map of Brazil

Facts & Stats

To hire a foreign national in Brazil, you need to ensure that they obtain a work permit. This means they must be employed by a Brazilian entity and go through the lengthy immigration process. Our Employer of Record (EOR) model can simplify this process. We take on all liabilities associated with hiring the employee, sponsor their visa, and handle the paperwork for their work permit application.


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Supported visa types Vitem V- Mercosur Visa
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Processing time 3-4 mo.
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Currency Brazilian Real (R$)
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Capital Brasília
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Languages Portuguese

Frequently asked questions

Requirements vary between visa types, refer to our Immigration guide to find more information. 
The estimated timeline to get a work permit in Brazil is 3-5 months.
With the EOR model, Deel, as the employer, can sponsor and handle the visa application.

No, the employee cannot start working until the visa is secured.