
Global Work Glossary

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What are the key components and metrics of employee performance?

What is the impact of employee performance on organizational success?

How is employee performance measured?

Why measure employee performance?

Enhance performance management with Deel Engage

What is employee performance

Employee performance refers to how well employees fulfill their responsibilities, meet goals, and contribute to organizational objectives. It encompasses the quality and quantity of work produced and involves assessing various factors such as productivity, efficiency, and overall job behavior.

What are the key components and metrics of employee performance?

Employee performance includes multiple factors that provide a complete view of the worker's contributions to the organization.


Productivity is the efficiency with which an employee completes tasks and produces work.

Examples of productivity metrics:

  • Output per hour or day (e.g., number of units produced, tasks completed)
  • Time taken to complete tasks

Quality of work

Quality of work is the standard of work produced, including accuracy, attention to detail, and consistency.

Examples of quality of work metrics:

  • Error rates (e.g., number of defects, mistakes)
  • Customer satisfaction scores

Punctuality and attendance

Punctuality and attendance refer to the regularity and timeliness of employees reporting to work and adhering to schedules.

Examples of punctuality and attendance metrics:

  • Attendance records (e.g., days absent, tardiness)
  • Adherence to schedules and deadlines

Collaboration and teamwork

Collaboration and teamwork refer to the ability to work effectively with others, contributing to a positive team environment.

Examples of collaboration and teamwork metrics:

  • Participation in team projects
  • Contribution to team goals

Initiative and innovation

Initiative and innovation refer to the willingness to take on new challenges, propose new ideas, and improve processes.

Examples of initiative and innovation metrics:

  • Number of new ideas proposed and implemented
  • Engagement in professional development activities
  • Involvement in process improvement initiatives

Adherence to company values

Adherence to company values refers to how well an employee embodies and practices the organization’s core values.

Examples of adherence to company values metrics:

  • Behavioral assessments
  • Recognition programs (e.g., employee of the month)

Learning and development

Learning and development refer to continuous growth and improvement in skills and knowledge.

Examples of learning and development metrics:

  • Completion of training programs
  • Skill assessments and certifications
  • Progress in individual development plans

Additional resource: 90+ Department-Based Key Performance Indicators Examples to Measure Success

What is the impact of employee performance on organizational success?

Employee performance directly impacts organizational success in multiple ways. Each factor contributes to the organization’s overall success and competitive advantage.


High-performing employees contribute to higher productivity by efficiently completing tasks and meeting or exceeding performance targets. They optimize processes, reduce waste, and maximize available resources.

Example: In a manufacturing plant, a team of highly skilled workers who consistently meet and exceed production targets can significantly increase output, reduce downtime, and minimize waste. Their work leads to more products being made in less time, enhancing overall productivity.

Quality of work

An employee’s work quality ensures products and services meet high standards. High-quality work reduces errors, minimizes rework, and enhances the organization’s reputation.

Example: In the software industry, developers who are meticulous in their coding and testing processes help create bug-free, reliable software. Their high work quality satisfies clients and reduces the time and resources spent on post-release fixes and customer support.

Customer satisfaction

Better employee performance often translates into superior customer service, which leads to higher customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to return, make repeat purchases, and recommend the company to others.

Example: In a retail environment, knowledgeable, friendly, and efficient sales associates can enhance the shopping experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction scores, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals.


High performers are often more engaged and motivated to contribute innovative ideas and solutions. They think creatively and look for ways to improve products, services, and processes, giving the organization a competitive edge.

Example: In a tech company, a team of creative engineers and designers develops a groundbreaking new product. This innovative product disrupts the market, giving the company a competitive edge and opening new revenue streams.

Financial performance

Employee performance directly influences the organization’s financial health. By working efficiently and effectively, high performers can boost sales, reduce operational costs, and improve profitability.

Example: In a sales-driven organization, top-performing sales representatives who consistently close deals and exceed their quotas contribute to higher revenues. Additionally, efficient operations staff who optimize processes can reduce operational costs, collectively boosting the company’scompany’s profitability.

How is employee performance measured?

You can measure employee performance using a combination of qualitative and quantitative metrics:

  • Qualitative metrics include self-assessments, peer reviews, and managerial evaluations 
  • Quantitative metrics can involve key performance indicators (KPIs), productivity data, sales figures, and other measurable outputs

To systematically assess and document performance use performance appraisals or 360-degree feedback systems.

What tools can measure employee performance?

  • Performance management software like Deel Engage to set goals, assess competencies, and automate performance appraisals 
  • Time tracking software like Toggl or TimeDoctor to monitor hours worked and productivity
  • Project management tools: Software like Asana, Trello, or Jira to track task completion and timeliness

Why measure employee performance?

Measuring employee performance is not merely about enforcing quality standards or identifying underperformers. While these are essential aspects, the benefits of measuring performance extend far beyond these goals. 

By implementing a robust performance measurement system, organizations can support employees’ growth, align individual and organizational goals, and address systemic issues that may hinder overall success.

Identify opportunities for improvement

Measuring performance helps pinpoint areas where employees can improve. 

For instance, an employee may produce high-quality work but struggle with efficiency. They can become more valuable team members by enhancing their productivity without compromising quality.

Align performance goals

Setting performance goals that align with organizational objectives helps workers stay focused and motivated, fostering personal and professional growth.

Diagnose organizational weaknesses

Performance measurements can reveal broader issues within the company, such as weak links in a team or insufficient training programs. By identifying these weaknesses, organizations can optimize training initiatives and support underperforming employees, ultimately reducing turnover and improving overall performance.

Free resources:

Enhance employee development

Regular performance evaluations provide a basis for personalized development plans. These plans can help employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement, leading to more targeted and effective growth opportunities.

With support from the People Operations team, employees can develop their skills, which will benefit their careers and add value to the company.

Additional resources:

Foster a culture of continuous improvement

A systematic approach to measuring performance encourages a culture of continuous improvement. Employees are more likely to engage in self-assessment and seek feedback, contributing to a dynamic and forward-thinking work environment.

Additional resources:

How does remote work affect employee performance?

Remote work can have both positive and negative effects on employee performance:

  • Flexibility: Remote work increases job satisfaction and work-life balance, potentially boosting performance
  • Autonomy: When working remotely, workers have to manage their tasks independently, which can enhance productivity
  • Communication challenges: Working remotely with colleagues across various time zones and cultures has the potential for miscommunication, and delays can hinder performance
  • Isolation: The lack of social interaction of working on one’s own may affect morale and engagement
  • Distraction management: Workers must have strong self-discipline to manage distractions and maintain focus when working remotely

Additional resources: 

Enhance performance management with Deel Engage

Management cannot effectively support their teams if they don’t know who is performing well and who needs help.

Deel Engage has critical features for enhancing employee performance management:

  • Automation: Streamline administrative tasks like scheduling reviews and tracking performance data

  • 360 feedback: Collect feedback from multiple sources to compile holistic employee performance profiles

  • Goal setting and tracking: Set and track goals at individual, team, department, and organizational level 

  • Real-time feedback: Enable continuous feedback outside regular performance evaluation cycles

  • Data analytics: Get insights into employee competencies to identify trends and areas for improvement across teams, departments, and the entire organization

  • Training platform: Offer training and development resources to enhance your workforce’s skills and performance

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