

3 min read

Maternity and Paternity Leave Around the World in 2023

Global HR
Legal & compliance


Jemima Owen-Jones


June 29, 2022

Last Update

June 28, 2024

Table of Contents

A few things to keep in mind:

50 weeks +

40 weeks +

30 weeks +

20 weeks +

15 weeks +

10 weeks +

4 weeks +

0 weeks

Be compliant wherever you hire with Deel

To remain compliant with local labor laws and support family-friendly policies, companies must provide full-time employees with the correct amount of leave according to their county of residence. Below we share the maternity, paternity, parental, and adoptive leave requirements for every country worldwide.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • The number of leave days pertains to full-time employees
  • Some private-sector companies offer longer maternity and paternity leave as a part of their competitive benefits package
  • A global parental leave policy can be an easy way to cover all basis and remain compliant wherever you hire

50 weeks +


Maternity leave

Employees who have worked for 12 consecutive months are entitled to up to a year of paid maternity leave, with a minimum of 35 days paid before birth and 63 days after delivery.

After 63 days, the employee can remain on leave or return to work. Employees expecting more than one child are entitled to 390 days of maternity leave.

The first six months of parental leave pay is 80% of the employee’s average monthly salary from the previous year. The following six months’ parental leave pay is 50% of the employee’s average monthly salary.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory leave for non-birthing parents. Employees of either gender with dependent children are eligible for up to 12 days of paid leave to tend to a child. Those with children under three are entitled to an additional three days. Employees may take an additional 30 days of unpaid leave per year to care for a child.

Parental leave

In Albania, employees are entitled to 12 days of paid leave to tend to a child. Employees with children under three years old are entitled to an additional three days and can request additional unpaid leave for up to thirty days per year should it be required to care for the child.

Adoption leave

Employees can use parental leave to care for an adopted child within six years of the adoption date. The employee must use the leave before the child reaches 12 years of age. The adoptive co-parent is entitled to any remaining parental leave leftover.


Maternity leave

In Australia, birthing parents are entitled to 12 months of unpaid leave after working for 12 months with the same employer. Some employers provide paid maternity leave.

In addition, employees can apply to the Federal Government scheme, which includes payment for 18 weeks of leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing partners are entitled to 5 days of unpaid leave at the time of the birth.

Employees can also apply to the Federal Government scheme for additional leave.

Parental leave

To be eligible for parental leave, an employee must have completed at least 12 months of employment.

Parental leave is an unpaid leave that lasts for 12 months, and it is possible to request an additional 12 months from the employer.

Leave can begin on the day of the birth.

Adoption leave

In Australia, parental leave covers adoption leave and is unpaid for 12 months. Adopting employees can begin their leave on the day of the adoption.

Employees taking parental leave to care for an adopted child are also entitled to two days of unpaid pre-adoption leave to attend relevant interviews or examinations.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to a minimum of 42 days and a maximum of 1 year of maternity leave in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Employees must take 28 days before the child’s birth. The employee will receive a salary based on the specific region, and the Center for Social Work (Centar za socijalni rad) will be responsible for this pay.

The employee cannot extend leave.

Salaries paid to employees, based on region:

  • Federation BiH: 50-80% of the reference wage, depending upon the various cantonal regulations of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Republik of Srpska: 100% of the salary the employee was earning during the last six months before the starting date of the maternity leave.

  • District of Brcko: 100% of salary

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to any remaining maternity leave after the first six weeks of maternity taken from the birth. The employee will receive the same salary as the mother during this period, and the Center for Social Work will be responsible for this pay.

Salaries paid to employees, based on region:

  • Federation BiH: 50-80% of the reference wage, depending upon the various cantonal regulations of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Republik of Srpska: 100% of the salary the employee was earning during the last six months before the starting date of the maternity leave.

  • District of Brcko: 100% of salary

Parental leave

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

One parent has the freedom to exercise maternity or paternity leave in situations of adoption or foster parenting.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 12 months of maternity leave in Kosovo. Employees must take 28 days (up to 45) before birth. The employer pays 70% of the basic salary for the first six months, whereas the government provides the following months’ pay.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to parental leave as explained below.

Parental leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to three days of paid leave after the birth and two weeks of unpaid leave until the child is three.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to three days of paid parental leave upon the adoption of a child and two weeks of unpaid leave until the child is three.


Maternity leave

In Serbia, pregnant employees are entitled to a maternity entitlement in conjunction with childcare leave that equates to 365 days of leave which begins 28 to 45 days before the estimated date of birth.

During this time, employees receive compensation for their average salary over the past 12 months and up to five times the average national salary.

Paternity leave

The non-birthing parent is entitled to five days of paternity leave after the child’s birth. The employee is only entitled to the paid entitlement in exceptional circumstances.

Parental leave

In Serbia, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to eight months of leave after the adoptive child is placed in their care until the child is five years old. Adoptive parents are entitled to leave when the adoptive child is less than three months old until the child is 11 months.

United Kingdom

Maternity leave

In the United Kingdom, pregnant employees are entitled to 52 weeks of paid leave. The employee can take up to 11 weeks before the birth and must take two weeks after the child’s birth. The employee can use the remaining leave as they see fit.

The employee will receive 90% of their salary during the first six weeks, and the employer will be responsible for this pay. The following 33 weeks are paid at £157.97 a week or 90% of the employee’s average weekly earnings (whichever is lower). The final 13 weeks as unpaid leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 2 weeks of paid paternity leave. The employee must take leave in one period. The employee will receive £151.97, or 90% of their average weekly earnings (whichever is lower) during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

Parental leave

Parents are entitled to 50 weeks of Shared Parental Leave (SPL). Both parents can decide how to distribute the time off. Either parent can take parental leave. The birthing parent can only take parental leave once they have formally returned from maternity leave.

The first 37 weeks are paid at £151.97 a week or 90% of the employees’ earnings, whichever is lower. The remaining 13 weeks are unpaid.

In addition to the standard SPL, employees are entitled to an additional 18 weeks of unpaid leave that they can use up until the child’s 18th birthday.

Adoption leave

Employees can take up to 52 weeks’ statutory adoption leave. The first 26 weeks are known as ‘Ordinary Adoption Leave,’ and the last 26 weeks as ‘Additional Adoption Leave.’

Leave can start:

  • on the date the child starts living with the employee or up to 14 days before the expected placement date (UK adoptions)
  • when an employee has been matched with a child to be placed with them by a UK adoption agency
  • when the child arrives in the UK or within 28 days of this date (overseas adoptions)
  • the day the child’s born or the day after (parents in surrogacy arrangements)

Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP) for employees is:

  • 90% of their gross average weekly earnings for the first 6 weeks

  • £156.66 a week or 90% of their gross average weekly earnings (whichever is lower) for the next 33 weeks

Tax and National Insurance need to be deducted.


Maternity leave

In Bulgaria, pregnant employees that have worked for 12 consecutive months are entitled to 410 days of paid leave. The employee must take 45 days before the child’s birth and 45 days after the birth. The employee can take the remaining days as they see fit until the child is two years old.

The employee will receive compensation depending on the child’s age:

  • While the child is 0 - 1 years old, the employee receives 90% of their salary

  • While the child is 1 - 2 years, the employee receives BGN 380,00 per month

The National Insurance Institute is responsible for payment and will directly pay the employee.

Paternity leave

Employees, who have worked for 12 months, are entitled to 15 days of paid paternity leave. The employee will receive 90% of their salary during this period paid directly by the National Insurance Institute.

The employee can extend leave for an additional six months, which is unpaid.

Parental leave

In Bulgaria, no law covers parental leave. However, birthing employees can transfer their maternity leave to the co-parent after six months to assume care of the child and receive the cash benefits from the birthing parent for the remainder of the 410 days.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to 365 days of leave upon adoption of a child up to five years of age starting from the date of the adoption. Parents receive paid leave equal to 90% of their average gross monthly earnings or their average insurance income (from the 12 months preceding the adoption).

If the adoptive parent does not use the leave and returns to full-time employment, they are entitled to receive 50% financial compensation for the leave period.

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40 weeks +


Maternity leave

In Ireland, pregnant employees are entitled to 42 weeks of Maternity Leave. 26 weeks are paid through Maternity Benefit from the Department of Social Protection, and 16 weeks are unpaid. Maternity Benefit is only 30% of the national average wage in Ireland.

Paternity leave

In Ireland, non-birthing parents are entitled to two weeks of paid paternity leave, which they can take at any time within the first six months of the baby’s life. Non-birthing parents can apply for Paternity Benefit for their two weeks of leave. These benefits are granted if they have paid the required amount of PRSI.

Parental leave

Parental leave lets parents take unpaid leave from work to spend time looking after their children. Parents can take up to 26 weeks of parental leave for each eligible child before their 12th birthday.

Employees must have worked for the employer for a year before being entitled to parental leave.

Adoptive leave

Adoptive leave gives 24 weeks’ leave off work to one parent of the adopting couple or a parent who is adopting alone. The 24 weeks start from when the parents receive the child.

The employer does not have to pay the employee during adoptive leave unless the contract states. If the employee has enough PRSI contributions, they can get Adoptive Benefit from the Department of Social Protection (DSP).

Employees can take up to 16 additional weeks’ unpaid adoptive leave. Still, they cannot claim Adoptive Benefit for these extra weeks.


Maternity leave

  • 49 weeks at 100% average salary (up to 6G (6G is equal to an annual salary of NOK 638,394 (as of May 2021), or

  • 59 weeks at 80% average salary

NAV (Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration) will be responsible for this pay.

Out of the entire length of leave, the mother has a right to maternal quota:

  • 15 weeks (if 49 weeks chosen) at 100% average salary

  • 19 weeks (if 59 weeks chosen) at 80% average salary

The employee must take the first five weeks immediately following the birth, and the remainder immediately following or saved for later.

The employee can extend leave for one year without pay.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees who have worked for a minimum of 6 out of the last ten months are entitled to paid paternity leave. The number of combined parental leave days for leave depends on the option chosen by the employee:

  • 49 weeks at 100% average salary (up to 6G (6G is equal to an annual salary of NOK 638,394 (as of May 2021), or

  • 59 weeks at 80% average salary

NAV (Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration) will be responsible for this pay.

Out of the entire length of leave, the father has a right to paternal quota:

  • 15 weeks (if 49 weeks chosen) at 100% average salary

  • 19 weeks (if 59 weeks chosen) at 80% average salary

Fathers can take the parental quota from the 7th week onwards, after birth, or choose to wait until a later date. The quota can be taken consecutively, divided up, or combined with partial work.

The employee can extend leave for one year without pay.

Parental leave

Parents, who have worked for a minimum of 6 out of the last ten months, are eligible for a combined leave of 49 or 59 weeks. The number of days for leave depends on the option chosen by the employee:

  • 49 weeks at 100% average salary (up to 6G (6G is equal to an annual salary of NOK 638,394 as of (May 2021), or

  • 59 weeks at 80% average salary

NAV (Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration) will be responsible for this pay. This leave period is divided into the maternal quota, paternal quota, and joint leave (explained in the sections below).

After employees have used 15 weeks or 19 weeks of maternal and paternal quota, they are entitled to a joint/shared period, the shared parental benefit. This can be divided equally or taken entirely by the birthing parent or non-birthing parent. However, if the co-parent wants to benefit from the joint period, the birthing parent must be occupationally active in work, education, or similar.

Adoption leave

Adoptive and foster parents have equal rights to leave from the date they adopted the child. The right to leave does not apply to adopt a stepchild or if the child is over 15.

30 weeks +

North Korea

Maternity leave

In North Korea, pregnant employees are entitled to 240 days of maternity leave, 60 days before and 180 days of leave after childbirth.

During this period, female workers receive prenatal and postnatal subsidies equal to 100% of their basic living expenses regardless of their length of service at work.

Paternity leave

No paternity leave is currently required by law in North Korea.

Parental leave

No parental leave is currently required by law in North Korea.

Adoption leave

No adoptive leave is currently required by law in North Korea.


Maternity leave

In Slovakia, pregnant employees who have worked for 60 consecutive days with the same employer are entitled to 34 weeks of paid leave. The employee must take six weeks before the child’s birth.

The employee will receive 75% of their average salary during this period, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can’t extend leave.

Paternity leave

Employees who have contributed to Social Security for 270 days are entitled to 28 weeks of paid paternity leave. The employee must take six weeks of leave after the child’s birth. The remaining days can be divided into two periods until the child reaches the age of three. The employee will receive 75% of the salary during this period, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

Employees can take paternity leave if the partner is not receiving maternity benefits simultaneously.

The employee can’t extend leave.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to up to three years of parental leave until the child reaches the age of three. Either parent can take parental leave.

Social Security will pay EUR 275.90 per month during this period.

Employees can’t extend parental leave.

Adoption leave

Employees who adopt or foster a child are entitled to leave for up to 28 weeks. Single parents are entitled to up to 31 weeks of leave. Parents with two or more children are allowed 37 weeks of leave.

In cases where the child at the time of adoption was already three years old, employees can take additional parental leave until the child reaches six years of age.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 240 days of paid leave in Sweden. Employees must take 49 days before the child’s birth and at least 49 days after the child is born. The employee can divide the remaining days with the co-parent into three periods. The employee will receive almost 80% of their salary during the first 195 days and SEK 180 per day for the remaining 45 days. The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) will be responsible for this pay.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 240 days of paid paternity leave. The employee can take ten additional days before or after the child’s birth and divide the remaining days into three periods. The employee can only use 30 days at the same time as the birthing parent.

Employees will receive 80% of their salary during the first 195 days and SEK 180 per day for the remaining 45 days. The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) will be responsible for this pay.

Parental leave

In Sweden, employees take maternity and paternity leave as parental leave. Employees are entitled to a total of 480 working days of parental leave. Each parent is entitled to 240 days, and they can decide how to distribute the length up to 150 days. The Swedish Social Insurance Agency will pay the salary during this period.

  • From day 0 - 390 days, parents receive almost 80% of their salary.

  • From day 391 - 480 days, parents receive SEK 180 per day.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to parental leave, as explained above.

North Macedonia

Maternity leave

In North Macedonia, pregnant employees are entitled to nine months (increasing to 15 months for multiple births) of paid maternity leave, paid by Social Security. The maternity leave can start 45 days before the due date providing an employee can produce a pregnancy certificate up until the mandatory 28 days before the due date.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 7 days of paid paternity leave.

Parental leave

If the female employee does not use all of the maternity leave, the non-birthing co-parent can use the leave.

Once the maternity leave ends, birthing parents are entitled to an unpaid leave of up to three months until the child reaches three years of age. Employees can take this leave in three parts.

Adoption leave

A female employee who adopts a child is entitled to leave up to the child reaching nine months. If she adopts more than one child (two or more children), the employee is entitled to a leave of 15 months.

If the female employee does not use all their leave, the co=parent can use it.

20 weeks +


Maternity leave

In Andorra, birthing employees receive 20 weeks of paid maternity leave. An employee receives two additional weeks for each child in the event of multiple births.

Pregnant employees can start their leave up to four weeks before the due date. Employees receive 100% of their average daily wages for the previous 12 months working out of the last 24 months.

Paternity leave

Beginning six weeks after the birth, the non-birthing parent’s partner has the option of taking the balance of the birth parent’s maternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the Andorra law regarding parental leave.

Adoption leave

Adopting parents are entitled to 20 weeks of paid leave and two additional weeks for each adopted child.


Maternity leave

In Armenia, employees are entitled to at least 140 days of parental leave (70 days during pregnancy and 70 days following the child’s birth).

Parental leave entitlement is increased to 155 days (70 days of pregnancy, 85 days from delivery) in the case of complicated childbirth.

For multiple births, the leave entitlement would increase to 180 days (70 days of pregnancy, 110 days from childbirth).

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to five days of paid leave within 30 days of the child’s birth.

Parental leave

Within the first month of the child’s birth, employees can take five days of paid parental leave.

Adoption leave

Employees who adopt a newborn are entitled to paid leave from the date of adoption or guardianship until the baby is 70 days old.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 140 calendar days of paid leave in Estonia. Employees can take the leave 70 days before the child’s birth.

The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, and the Estonian Health Insurance Fund will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can use parental leave after this period.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 30 calendar days of paid paternity leave.

The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period (up to three times the Estonian mean gross wages), and The Social Insurance Board will be responsible for this pay. Employees can use this benefit until the child turns three.

Parental leave

In Estonia, employees are entitled to 60 days of parental leave. Both parents can decide how to distribute the time off and take the leave simultaneously. The Social Insurance Board will pay salary during this period.

The parental benefit amount is calculated separately for each recipient, depending on their previous income. The amount depends on the paid social tax declared for the employee's earned income (In 2022, the maximum parental benefit is EUR 4043.07 per month).

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to parental leave.


Maternity leave

In Liechtenstein, pregnant employees are entitled to 20 weeks of maternity leave, of which they must take16 weeks after birth.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to parental leave as explained below.

Parental leave

Employees are also entitled to take an unpaid parental leave of up to four months. Parents may take this leave until the child’s fourth birthday.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents, foster parents, or stepparents are entitled to unpaid parental leave of up to four months until the child’s sixth birthday.


Maternity leave

In Luxembourg, pregnant employees are entitled to 20 weeks of maternity leave, 8 weeks before the presumed date of delivery and 12 weeks after the date of delivery.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 10 days of leave after the birth of one or more children which must be used within two months after the child's birth.

Parental leave

Parents are also entitled to 6 months of parental leave. Parental leave can be taken at the same time by both parents, or it can be staggered until the child is 6 years old. If both parents request parental leave, at least one of them must take it following maternity leave.

If the parents had twins, then they're entitled to12 months of parental leave.

Adoption leave

Employees are entitled to 12 weeks of adoption leave when adopting one or more children under the age of 12. Adoption leave will enable one of the partners to stay at home in order to take care of the child.


Maternity leave

In Poland, pregnant employees are entitled to the maternity leave periods linked to the number of children born as follows:

  • 20 weeks for the birth of one child/adoption of one child

  • 31 weeks for two children, 33 weeks for three children, 35 weeks for four children

  • 37 weeks for five or more children.

The Social Security Institute covers all maternity pay at 100% of the employee’s regular salary rate.

Maternity leave cannot start earlier than six weeks before the due date but can start later or even after birth and continue straight after. Employees should take a minimum of 14 weeks of maternity leave after childbirth before returning to work, and they can transfer any untaken leave beyond 14 weeks to the child’s co-parent.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to two weeks of paid paternity leave within the first 24 months after the child’s birth before the child is seven years old. An employee can take the leave in a maximum of two installments of one week each, and Social Security pays the leave at a rate of 100.00% of the employee’s regular salary.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to up to 32 weeks of parental leave. Leave can be granted to both parents after completing maternity leave. 

Social Security pays the leave for the first six weeks at 100.00% of the employee’s salary (eight weeks in case of multiple children). The remaining time is paid by Social Security at  60.00% of the employees’ salary. However, suppose the employee submits the official written request for parental leave no later than 21 days after the birth. In that case, the pay increases to 80.00% of the employee’s salary for the whole period.

Adoption leave

Both adoptive parents are entitled to leave periods linked to the number of children adopted as follows:

  • 20 weeks for the adoption of one child

  • 31 weeks for the adoption of two children,

  • 33 weeks for three children,

  • 35 weeks for four children

  • 37 weeks for five or more children

The leave can’t be taken simultaneously by both parents.

Fathers are entitled to two weeks of paid paternity leave within the first 24 months after the child’s birth or from the date of adoption before the child is seven years old. An employee can take the leave in a maximum of two installments of one week each, and Social Security pays the leave at a rate of 100.00% of the employee’s regular salary.

Employees are entitled to up to 32 weeks of parental leave. Leave can be granted to both male and female adoptive parents after completing adoption leave. 

For the first six weeks, the leave is paid by Social Security at 100.00% of the employee’s salary (eight weeks in case of multiple children and three weeks if adopting an older child). The remaining time is paid at 60.00% of the employees’ salary. However, suppose the employee submits the official written request for parental leave no later than 21 days after the birth. In that case, the pay increases to 80.00% of the employee’s salary for the whole period.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 140 days of paid leave in Russia. 70 days must be taken before the birth and 70 days must be taken after the birth. The employee will receive 100% of the average salary for the last two years up to a maximum daily amount. The Social Insurance Fund will be responsible for this pay. The maximum daily amount in 2022 was RUB 2,572.60.

The employee can extend leave for medical reasons in the following events:

  • Complicated delivery – 86 days

  • Birth of two or more children – 110 days

Paternity leave

There is no paternity leave currently required by law in Russia.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to 1.5 or three years of parental leave. Either parent can take parental leave. The FSS will pay 40% of the average salary for the last two years until the child is 1.5 years old.

Adoption leave

An employee who adopts a child is entitled to take leave from the date of the adoption for 70 calendar days (110 days if adopting two or more children). Only one adoptive parent may take the leave.


Maternity leave

In Tajikistan, pregnant employees are entitled to maternity leave of 140 calendar days, 70 days before delivery, and 70 days after delivery.

Leave can be extended if there are complications at birth or multiple births. New mothers may also take leave until their child is 18 months old.

Paternity leave

In Tajikistan, no law covers paternity leave.

Parental leave

Parents caring for two or more children up to the age of 14, or disabled children up to 18, are entitled to additional leave.

Adoption leave

In Tajikistan, no law covers parental leave.

Holy See

Maternity leave

In alignment with Italian laws, Holy See provides all female employees with five months of paid maternity leave, generally taken two months before the due date until three months after childbirth. The maternity leave before the due date can start at an earlier date than two months if the employee’s work is dangerous for their health or that of the unborn child or delayed until after childbirth.

The employee is entitled to 80.00% of their regular salary during maternity leave paid by the employer, whom the INPS then reimburses.

Mothers whose income was lower than 8,145 EUR before maternity leave will have their maternity indemnity increased by three months.

Birthing parents can take up to six months of unpaid leave after maternity leave. Alternatively, if a birthing parent chooses not to take parental leave after maternity leave, they can work 6 hours a day until the child is one year old.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to receive 100.00% of the regular salary and compulsory paternity leave of 10 days within five months of the child’s birth.

Parental leave

An employee can take up to 10 months of parental leave. Parents can split the leave between themselves. Employees receive 30% of their wages for six months. The remaining four months of leave are unpaid.

Adoption leave

Employees can receive five months of leave for adopting children. For domestic adoptions, the five months of leave may begin following the actual placement of the child. Employees can take five months for international adoptions before the child’s arrival to comply with foreign adoption procedures and requirements. In the case of adoption, only one of the adoptive parents may take leave.


Maternity leave

In Italy, pregnant employees are entitled to five months of paid maternity leave, generally taken two months before the due date until three months after childbirth. The maternity leave before the due date can start at an earlier date than two months if the employee’s work is dangerous for their health or that of the unborn child or delayed until after childbirth.

The employee is entitled to 80.00% of their regular salary during maternity leave, which the INPS then reimburses.

Mothers whose income was lower than 8,145 EUR before maternity leave will have their maternity indemnity increased by three months.

Birthing parents can take up to six months of unpaid leave after maternity leave. Alternatively, if a birthing parent chooses not to take parental leave after maternity leave, they can work 6 hours a day until the child is one year old.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to receive 100.00% of the regular salary and compulsory paternity leave of 10 days within five months of the child’s birth.

Parental leave

An employee can take up to 10 months of parental leave. Couples can split the leave between them, receiving 30% of their wages for six months. The remaining four months of leave are unpaid.

Adoption leave

Employees can receive five months of leave for adopting children. For domestic adoptions, the five months of leave may begin following the actual placement of the child. For international adoptions, employees can take before the child’s arrival to comply with foreign adoption procedures and requirements. In the case of adoption, only one of the adoptive parents may take leave.

San Marino

Maternity leave

San Marino follows Italian maternity, paternity, and adoption laws.


Maternity leave

In Hungary, pregnant employees are entitled to 24 weeks of maternity leave but can take up to three years of leave and receive maternity benefits.

For the first six months, birthing parents are entitled to Pregnancy and Confinement Benefit (CSED) at 70.00% of their salary. For the next eighteen months, until the child’s second birthday, birthing parents are entitled to a Child Care Fee (Gyermekgondozási díj – GYED) at a rate of 70.00% of the salary up to a maximum of double the minimum wage.

A benefit called Child Home Care Allowance (Gyermekgondozási segély – GYES) is also available for parents or grandparents taking care of a child up to the age of three. The National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK) pays the benefit.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to five days of paid paternity leave, seven days for multiple/complicated birth, taken within the two months following birth.

Parental leave

After the maternity leave period, one parent can take parental leave until the child reaches the age of 2 years old. This leave is paid at 70.00% but is capped at double the minimum daily wage.

Employees with children under 16 years of age are entitled to extra vacation time as follows:

  • Two working days for one child
  • Four working days for two children
  • Seven working days for three children

Adoption leave

Employees are entitled to unpaid leave to care for an adopted child for three years from when they receive the child.


Maternity leave

In Iceland, pregnant employees are entitled to 6 months of maternity leave paid at 80% of the employee’s annual salary if they work full-time.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 6 months of paternity leave at 80% of the employee’s annual salary if they work full-time.

Parental leave

Parents also have the option to transfer up to 6 weeks from one parent to the other.

Adoption leave

Under statutory parental leave, adoptive and foster parents can take six months of paid leave at 80% of their salary.


Maternity leave

In India, pregnant employees are entitled to 26 weeks’ leave for their first two children decreasing to 12 weeks for any subsequent children. The employer pays the leave at 100% of the employee’s regular salary. An employee must have been employed for at least 80 days of the preceding 12 months before the expected due date to be eligible to leave.

Paternity leave

There are no statutory paternity leave laws for the private sector. However, government employees are entitled to 15 days of paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no statutory laws on parental leave.

Adoption leave

Adoptive mothers are entitled to 12 weeks’ leave. This leave starts from the day of adoption and applies to the baby below three months of age.


Maternity leave

In Israel, a pregnant employee is entitled to 26 weeks of maternity leave (divided into 15 weeks of paid leave and 11 weeks of unpaid leave if they have worked for the same employer for at least 12 months. The new parent may extend their unpaid leave beyond 11 weeks up to 25% of their employment before taking maternity leave, or one year, the lesser of the two.

Employees that have worked less than 12 months are entitled to 15 weeks of maternity leave.

Pregnant employees may take their maternity leave when they deliver or up to seven weeks before the estimated due date.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing spouses may take five days of leave after the delivery without the employer’s consent. These five days consist of three days of the spouse’s accumulated vacation time at the workplace and two of the spouse’s sick days. In respect of every sick day, the employer must pay 50% of the employer’s daily salary. The five days include weekends (as such, if these days fall on the weekend and are not workdays for the spouse, sick days will not be deducted for said days).

Parental leave

Birthing parents can share their paid maternity leave with non-birthing partners. After six weeks have elapsed since the birth, the birthing parent may return to work, and the spouse may take over the remainder of maternity leave.

Alternatively, spouses may take paid parental leave with the birthing parent for seven days. In this case, the birthing parent must waive the last week of the maternity allowance to which they would have been entitled. The maternity allowance will be paid according to the spouse’s salary, provided they fulfill the National Insurance Institute’s qualifying period.

Adoption leave

Parents who have a child through surrogacy or adoption are also entitled to parental leave upon receiving the child.


Maternity leave

In the Maldives, pregnant employees are entitled to 6 months of paid maternity leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 1 month of paid paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no laws for parental leave in the Maldives.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in the Maldives.

New Zealand

Maternity leave

In New Zealand, pregnant employees are entitled to maternity leave, known as Primary Carer Leave. Employees will receive 26 weeks of paid leave if they:

  • are the primary caregiver to a child under six

  • have worked 10 hours a week for 12 months.

The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, capped at NZD 621.76 a week. The employer will be responsible for this pay.

In addition to the maternity leave, employees are entitled to 10 days of special leave and 52 weeks of unpaid extended leave.

Paternity leave

Employees are entitled to between 1 and 2 weeks of unpaid paternity leave. Employees can take the leave from 21 days before birth and 21 days after. Leave varies depending on the length of services:

  • 1 week - if the employee has worked for six months for at least an average of 10 hours a week

  • 2 weeks - if the employee has worked for 12 months for at least an average of 10 hours a week

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to 26 weeks of parental leave. Both parents can decide how to distribute the time off. Either parent can take parental leave. Parental leave is unpaid.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to 26 weeks of paid parental leave from the government to adopt a child.


Maternity leave

In Venezuela, pregnant employees are entitled to a total of 26 weeks of maternity leave, six weeks before the expected due date and 20 weeks following the birth. Salary is paid at the rate of 66.60% by Social Security.

Paternity leave

In Venezuela, the non-birthing parent is entitled to 1 week of paid paternity leave.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to 14 days of parental leave in Venezuela.

Adoption leave

Adoptive mothers are entitled to 26 weeks’ leave from the date of the family placement paid by Social Security. She is protected against dismissal for two years from the family placement.

Foster fathers of children under three years of age can take paid paternity leave for 14 continuous days from the family placement.


Maternity leave

In Vietnam, pregnant employees that have contributed to Social Security for at least three months are entitled to six months of paid leave. 2 weeks of leave can be taken before the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of the average salary based on social insurance contributions over the last six months. Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees who have contributed to Social Security for at least three months are entitled to 30 days of paid paternity leave. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

Parental leave

In Vietnam, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

After adopting a child under four months old, one of the parents is entitled to six months’ leave with a lump-sum allowance equivalent to two months’ common minimum salary per child.

Czech Republic

Maternity leave

Pregnant employees who have worked for 21 consecutive days are entitled to 28 weeks of paid leave in the Czech Republic. The employee must take four weeks before the child’s birth.

The employee will receive 70% of their salary during this period. Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can’t extend leave. Parental leave is available after maternity leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to seven calendar days of paid paternity leave that must be taken after the child's birth. The employee will receive 70% of the salary during this period, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can’t extend paternity leave. Parental leave is available after maternity leave.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to 43 months of parental leave. Both parents can decide how to distribute the time off, which should be taken after paternity and maternity leave. Either parent can take parental leave.

However, it cannot be taken at the same time. Social Security will pay a maximum of CZK 300,000 during this period.

Parental leave can't be extended.

Adoption leave

Employees can use parental leave to care for an adopted child.

15 weeks +


Maternity leave

Birthing employees are entitled to 15 weeks of maternity leave.

Paternity leave

Maximum of 15 days (only for employees).

Parental leave

In Belgium, employees are entitled to take four months of paid parental leave per child. The employee receives an allowance from Mutuelle.

Birthing parents can take leave anytime from the end of the mandatory period of postnatal maternity leave. The co-parent can take leave any time after the child’s birth.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to four months of paid parental leave once the child is officially registered at the commune as part of their household.

The leave must start before the child’s 12th birthday (21st birthday in the case of a disabled child).


Maternity leave

In Brunei, birthing parents are entitled to 15 weeks of maternity leave, 13 of which are paid. The parent must take two weeks before the delivery and 13 weeks after.

The employer is responsible for paying for the first eight weeks of leave in local and international circumstances. However, you can claim the government to earn a refund after paying for the remaining five weeks of leave for citizens.

Paternity leave

There are no statutory requirements for paternity leave in Brunei.

Parental leave

There are no statutory requirements for parental leave in Brunei.

Adoption leave

There are no statutory requirements for adoptive leave in Brunei.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 15 weeks of paid leave in Canada. The leave can start as early as 12 weeks before the expected date of birth and end as late as 17 weeks after the actual date of birth.

The employee will receive 55% of their average salary during the leave, and the government will be responsible for this pay. The maximum salary payment is $638 per week.

The employee can extend leave through parental leave.

Paternity leave

There is no specific paternity leave required by law. Non-birthing parents can use parental leave as explained below.

Parental leave

In Canada, there are two options for parental leave:

  • Standard parental benefits: Up to 40 weeks of leave split between parents paid at 55% of the employee salary up to 638 CAD. One parent cannot receive more than 35 weeks of standard benefits

  • Extended parental benefits: Up to 69 weeks of leave split between both parents paid at 33% of the employee salary up to 383 CAD. One parent cannot receive more than 61 weeks of extended benefits

The CRA is responsible for paying for this leave.

Adoption leave

An employee who has adopted a child is entitled to a leave of absence without pay for up to 62 consecutive weeks. The employee can take the leave within 78 weeks of receiving the child.

Employment Insurance funds provide pay up to 55.00% of the regular salary (to a maximum of 595 CAD per week).


Maternity leave

In the Republic of Congo, pregnant employees should receive a minimum of 15 weeks of maternity leave. The employee can extend their leave by three weeks in cases of birth complications. The employer and Social Security pay for the leave. To be eligible, the employee must have six consecutive months of work.

Paternity leave

Paternity leave is not statutorily provided for in the Republic of Congo.

Parental leave

Parental leave is not statutorily provided for in the Republic of Congo.

Adoption leave

Adoptive leave is not statutorily provided for in the Republic of Congo.


Maternity leave

In Finland, birthing employees are entitled to 105 working days of paid leave. The paid leave must start 30 days before the child’s birth and end 75 days after the due date.

Kela (Social Insurance) will pay a minimum of EUR 29.05 per day during this period. Kela will calculate the exact leave with the annual salary of the employee.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 54 days of paid paternity leave. A maximum of 18 days can overlap with maternity leave. The employee can take the rest of the paternity leave in a maximum of 2 separate periods before the child is two years old. Kela (Social Insurance) will pay a minimum of EUR 29.05 per day during this period. Kela will calculate the exact leave with the annual salary of the employee.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to 158 working days of parental leave. Both parents can decide how to distribute the time off, which should be taken immediately after maternity leave.

Kela (Social Insurance) will pay a minimum of EUR 29.05 per day during this period. Kela will calculate the exact leave with the annual salary of the employee.

An employee is entitled to extended childcare leave from the day parental leave ends until the child turns three.

Parental leave is a different type of leave from maternity and paternity leave. In some countries, parental/child care leave is granted to the parents on top of the standard leave.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents of a child under 18 years of age are eligible for parental leave of 233 working days. The leave starts from the day the child comes into their care.

Adoptive parents are entitled to parental benefits for adoptive parents if they have lived in Finland for at least 180 days before receiving the child. Adoptive parents in both same-and opposite-sex couples are entitled to parental benefits.

Adoptive parents are eligible for the same paternity leave as parents having biological children. In same-sex couples, either parent can receive paternity benefits.


Maternity leave

In Laos, pregnant employees are entitled to at least 105 days of maternity leave (or 120 days of maternity leave for multiple births) with full pay, at least 42 days of which must be taken after the birth of the child.

In the first year after birth, the birthing parents are entitled to one hour of rest per day to feed and take care of their child.
If an employee suffers a miscarriage, they are entitled to a period of paid leave, determined by a doctor, with full pay.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to take at least three days’ paid leave if their wife gives birth or miscarries.

Parental leave

Parental leave is not included in the labor laws.

Adoption leave

Adoption leave is not included in the labor laws.


Maternity leave

In the Philippines, pregnant employees who have worked for 90 consecutive days are entitled to 105 days of paid leave. Single parents receive an additional15 days of paid leave. The employee must take 14 days before the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend the leave by an additional 30 days unpaid.

Paternity leave

The non-birthing co-parent is entitled to 10 days of paid paternity leave after the child’s birth; the entitlement increases to 20 days of leave in the case of a complicated or premature birth.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding parental leave in the Philippines.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding adoptive leave in the Philippines.


Maternity leave

Birthing parents will receive 16 weeks of parental leave, eight weeks before the due date and eight weeks after delivery. During this time, the birthing parent receives pay that amounts to the average income earned in the 13 weeks before the birth.

The payment period is prolonged to 12 weeks in case of premature and multiple births and in case of Cesarean sections.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to one month of unpaid leave after the child is born, which can begin the next day after a child is born.

Families are entitled to have a parent stay home with a baby until the child is 24 months old, during which time the parent staying home may not be fired. The parent who is not working does not receive their income during this time.

Parental leave

Eligible employees who are the primary carer of a newborn or newly adopted child get up to 18 weeks of parental leave pay, which is paid at the National Minimum Wage.

Eligible employees can claim paid leave for 1 set period and one flexible period. The first paid leave period is a set period of 12 weeks. This has to be used in 1 continuous period within 12 months of the birth or adoption of a child. The second paid leave period allows employees to use up to 30 days of flexible pay.

The flexible paid leave period:

  • can be taken in flexible periods as negotiated by the employee with their employer

  • has to be taken within 24 months of the birth or adoption of a child

  • usually starts after the first PLP period ends

Adoption leave

Employees can use parental leave to adopt, as explained above.


Maternity leave

In the Bahamas, employees with at least one year of service are entitled to 16 weeks of paid leave once every three years. Generally, at least one week is taken before birth and eight weeks after birth, but this can be adjusted when the actual birth varies from the due date.

An additional six weeks of unpaid leave is available if the employee suffers a pregnancy-related illness. Maternity benefits are paid by both the employer and the National Insurance Board to eligible employees.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents can use parental leave as explained below.

Parental leave

Non-birthing parents, adoptive parents, and appointed legal guardians with a new child receive four fully paid weeks of parental leave.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents can receive parental leave, as explained above.

El Salvador

Maternity leave

In El Salvador, pregnant employees are entitled to up to 16 weeks of paid maternity leave, calculated at 75.00% of their regular wages.
The employee must provide a medical certificate confirming the pregnancy status and expected due date.

Employees must take at least six weeks of leave before the expected due date and up to 10 weeks after the child is born. The employee can request to extend the maternity leave if there are any pregnancy-related illnesses/complications.

For the health and safety of the employee, the pregnant employee cannot be assigned any physical work after the 4th month of pregnancy.

Paternity leave

In El Salvador, new fathers are entitled to three days of paternity leave which the employee must take within the first 15 days of the child’s birth. The leave is paid at 100.00% of the employees’ regular salary.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in El Salvador.

Adoption leave

There are no laws regarding adoptive leave in El Salvador.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 16 weeks of paid leave in France. The employee must take six weeks before the child’s birth. The employee will receive the average salary of the past three months before taking the leave, with a max of EUR 3,428, during this period.

The employer is responsible for this payment, and Social Security refunds it.

The employee can’t extend leave but can claim parental leave if they’ve worked at least one year for the same employer.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 25 calendar days of paid paternity leave. The employee must take four days after the child’s birth. The employee can divide the remaining days into two periods of time of at least five days each before the child reaches the age of six months.

The employee will receive the average salary of the past three months before taking the leave, with a max of EUR 89 per day. During this period, the employer will be responsible for the payment.

The employee can’t extend leave but can claim parental leave if they have worked at least one year for the same employer.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to up to one year of parental leave. The employee can take either full leave and suspend their contract or partial leave and work a minimum of 16 hours per week.

For the second option, the employee can choose the working hours, which must be agreed upon with the employer. If the employee takes parental leave in full, it will be unpaid. If the employee takes partial leave, they will receive a pro-rata salary.

Employees can extend parental leave until the child reaches the age of three.

Adoption leave

If adopting a single child, employees can apply for ten weeks of parental leave or 22 weeks if adopting more than one child. The parents are expected to share the daily leave allowance in this scenario.

To claim parental leave, the parents must:

  • Be enrolled with the Social Security Authority (SSA) at least ten months before the date of childbirth

  • Have taken a minimum of 8 weeks of leave

  • Have worked at least 150 hours in the 90 days before the start of their leave


Maternity leave

Female employees are generally entitled to 112 days of paid maternity leave: 56 before the birth and 56 after, although the employee may use all 112 days regardless of how many she used before the birth. Social insurance covers the employee’s wages during leave if they are insured.

Pay is granted to persons who have made compulsory state social insurance contributions (SSIAI).

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 10 days of paid paternity leave to be taken within two months of the child’s birth.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to parental leave of up to 18 months until the child turns 8. The leave can be taken in whole or parts and is separate from maternity and paternity leave.

Adoption leave

Every employee has the right to childcare leave to adopt a child. Childcare leave lasts 18 months and may be requested at any time until the child reaches the age of eight.


Maternity leave

In the Netherlands, pregnant employees are entitled to 16 weeks of paid leave. The employee must take six weeks before the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave for an additional four days at 100% pay if they have multiple births.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to one week of paid paternity leave. The leave can be used any time in the first four weeks after the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave for five weeks at 70% pay.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to 26 weeks of unpaid parental leave, available until the child reaches age 8. Nine weeks will be funded by the Employee Insurance Agency (EIA) at 50% of the employee’s daily salary, capped at 50% of the maximum daily wage.

The employee must use the nine paid weeks of parental leave during the child’s first year. The employee can use the remaining 17 unpaid weeks of leave until the child reaches age 8.

Suppose the employee does not use the nine weeks of paid parental leave within the child’s first year of life. In that case, the remainder will automatically convert into unpaid parental leave, which the employee can use until the child reaches age 8.

Adoption leave

Adoptive and foster parents will be able to take the nine weeks of paid parental leave for up to 12 months from the placement of the child with the family, so long as the child is younger than age 8.


Maternity leave

In Spain, pregnant employees (who have worked for six months) are entitled to 16 weeks of paid leave. The employee must take six weeks after the child’s birth. The employee can take divide the remaining days into two periods of time. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period (up to 4.139,40 EUR), and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees who have worked for six months are entitled to 16 weeks of paid paternity leave. The employee must take six weeks after the child’s birth. The employee can divide the remaining days how they choose until the child is one. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period (up to 4.139,40 EUR), and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

Parental leave

In Spain, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents receive 16 weeks of leave to care for an adopted or fostered child. The parents must take off six weeks immediately after receiving the child and can take off the remaining ten weeks as desired within the 12 months following the adoption.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 16 weeks of paid leave in Pakistan. The employee must take four weeks before the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave for medical reasons.

Paternity leave

There is no paternity leave currently required by law in Pakistan.

Parental leave

In Pakistan, no law covers parental leave. However, employees may be entitled to maternity leave and paternity leave.

Adoption leave

No adoptive leave is currently required by law in Pakistan.


Maternity leave

In Singapore, pregnant employees who have worked for three consecutive months are entitled to 16 weeks of paid leave. four weeks must be taken before the child's birth and 8 weeks after the birth. The remaining four weeks can be used as the employee wishes. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for the first eight weeks and Social Security for the second eight weeks.

Paternity leave

Employees who have worked for three consecutive months are entitled to two weeks of paid paternity leave. The employee must take two weeks continuously within the 16 weeks of maternity leave. The employee will receive their normal salary capped at $2500 per week, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

Parental leave

In Singapore, no law covers parental leave. However, fathers are entitled to share four weeks of the mother’s 16 weeks of maternity leave. The employee will receive their normal salary capped at $2500 per week.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents with adopted children below 12 months are entitled to 12 weeks of paid adoption leave. This only applies if you’ve adopted a child according to Singapore laws.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 16 weeks of paid leave in Turkey. The employee must take eight weeks before the child’s birth and eight weeks after. The employee will receive two-thirds (66.67%) of their salary during this period. Social Security Institution will be responsible for this pay given that the employee has paid 90 days of SGK premium within the last 12 months from the upper limit of SGK premium.

The employee can extend leave without receiving a salary or submitting a medical report.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 5 days of paid paternity leave. The employee must take five days after the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

Parental leave

Employed parents whose child has at least 70% disability or chronic disease based on a medical report shall be allowed to take up to 10 days of paid time off work in a year to attend the child’s treatment. Only one parent may take this leave.

Adoption leave

An adoptive employee is entitled to three days off work.


Maternity leave

In Turkmenistan, pregnant employees are entitled to 112 days (56 days before and 56 days after childbirth) of paid leave, paid by the State.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents can use parental leave to care for a child as described below.

Parental leave

Birthing parents, grandparents, or other relatives caring for a child are entitled to unpaid childcare leave at the end of maternity leave to care for children up to the age of three.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in Turkmenistan.


Maternity leave

Birthing parents are entitled to four months at full pay for a maximum of two children.

Paternity leave

The government is working to introduce paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law for parental leave in Bangladesh.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in Bangladesh.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 120 days of paid leave in Brazil. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay. However, the government returns this amount in tax deductions in the same month.

The employee can extend leave with a doctor’s note. During this period, the employee will receive 100% of the salary covered by the employer.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 5 calendar days of paid paternity leave. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

The employee cannot extend leave.

Parental leave

In Brazil, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

The birthing employee is entitled to the same maternity leave as explained above.

Costa Rica

Maternity leave

Birthing parents are entitled to four months of maternity leave, beginning one month before the due date, and will receive 50% of their salary which Costa Rica’s Social Security fund covers.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory leave for non-birthing parents under Costa Rican law.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave under Costa Rican law.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave under Costa Rican law.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 120 days of paid leave in Ethiopia. These include 30 days before and 30 days after the baby is born.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to three consecutive days of leave. However, according to the Civil Service Law, civil servants can take up to five paid leave days from work.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Ethiopia.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Ethiopia.


Maternity leave

In Greece, pregnant employees are entitled to a maternity leave of 119 calendar days; this benefit is paid on the condition that the employee is not working during the 56 days before the due date and the 63 days following the birth of the child.

The employer pays the first month of the maternity benefit at 100% of the employee’s regular salary rate. From the second month onwards, the employer and e-EFKA pay the benefit at 50.00% each of the regular salary rate (corresponding to the insurance contribution class of the insured person), plus the payment of child benefit for each child. There is also a supplementary maternity allowance available. The supplementary allowance is payable from the second month of leave and is equal to the difference (if there is any) between the salary rate paid by the employer and the maternity benefit.

For any employees that are not insured, a standard maternity benefit of 220.10 EUR is paid.

Paternity leave

In Greece, an employee is entitled to 2 days of paid paternity leave.

Parental leave

Parental leave is available to any parent having completed one year of service, equal to four months (continuously or intermittently, as agreed with the employer) until the child reaches eight years old.

Childcare leave is available for 30 months after birth, entitling an employee to a reduction in daily working hours by 1 hour (paid), or 18 months with a reduction of 2 hours during the first 12 months. This reduces to 1 less working hour in the remaining six months or 3.5 months of paid leave taken in one period.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are also entitled to 30 months of childcare leave per the parental leave conditions stated above.


Maternity leave

In Mongolia, pregnant employees are entitled to 120 days of maternity leave at 70% of pay. This Maternity Leave period is intended to cover 60 days prior to birth and 60 days after delivery. During this legal Maternity Leave period, the Mongolian Social Insurance system is responsible for payments to the new parent.

Paternity leave

Paternity leave is not available for non-birthing employees in Mongolia.

Parental leave

Birthing parents and single fathers in Mongolia are entitled to Baby Care Leave. During the leave period, the employer is obligated to pay required monthly Social Insurance payments to the Social Insurance Fund on behalf of the employee. The employer is legally obligated to accept the employee in the same employment position or a new position when the employee returns to work at the end of the leave.

Adoption leave

An adopting mother is entitled to equal leave as a birthing parent until the child reaches 60 days old. This law shall equally apply to single fathers with a newborn child.


Maternity leave

In Portugal, pregnant employees who have contributed to Social Security for the past six months are entitled to 120 or 150 days of paid leave. Employees typically take thirty days before the child’s birth, dividing the remaining days into two periods. The employee will receive 80 - 100% of the salary during this period depending upon the length of leave. Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave by an additional 90 days at 25% pay.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees who have contributed to Social Security for the past six months are entitled to 20 days of paid paternity leave and five additional days of optional leave. The employee must take five days after the child’s birth and the remaining 15 days within the following six weeks. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave an additional 90 days at 25% pay.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to 120 working days of parental leave. Both parents can decide how to distribute the time off, which should be taken 30 days after maternity leave. Either parent can take parental leave. Social Security will pay 80-100% of the salary during this period, depending on how the parents distribute the leave.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents can use parental leave to adopt a child, as explained above.

South Africa

Maternity leave

In South Africa, pregnant employees are entitled to four consecutive months of maternity leave. The employee may start maternity leave four weeks before the child’s birth. The leave is unpaid, but the employee can submit claims to the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) to qualify for payment during an absence from work.

The employee must notify the employer in writing at least four weeks before the employee intends to start maternity leave. The employee is not permitted to work for at least six weeks after giving birth unless she is declared fit by a medical practitioner or midwife.

The employee can extend their leave, but the leave will be unpaid.

Paternity leave

In South Africa, no law covers paternity leave. However, employees are entitled to parental leave, as explained below.

Parental leave

Employees with children are entitled to 10 consecutive days’ parental leave. Parental leave may commence on the day the child is born. The employee will have to give at least one month’s written notice of the expected date of birth, when the leave is due to commence and when the employee will return.

Adoption leave

Single employees that adopt a child under the age of 2 are entitled to 10 consecutive weeks’ leave. If there are two adoptive parents, one of the parents is entitled to 10 consecutive days of parental leave. Leave can commence on the day that the adoption order is granted.

Commissioning parental leave related to surrogate motherhood: an employee who will be primarily responsible for the child will be entitled to this leave. If there are two parents, one can take standard parental leave.


Maternity leave

In Azerbaijan, birthing parents are entitled to a total of 126 days of leave, of which 70 days are to be taken prior to the expected due date of the child and 56 days after the birth. For difficult or multiple births, maternity leave is extended for 14 days.

Pay is calculated at 100% of the average of the birthing parents’ previous 12 months’ salary payments and is to be paid by the State Social Protection Fund.

Pregnant women or women with young children are also covered under special circumstances in relation to employment law; the main clauses include:

  • A pregnant woman or a woman with a child under the age of 3 years old cannot be terminated.

  • A pregnant woman or woman with a child under the age of 18 months old is entitled to a reduced workweek. The maximum number of hours permitted is 36 hours a week.

  • A pregnant woman or woman with a child under three years old cannot be asked to work night shifts.

Paternity leave

In Azerbaijan, non-birthing partners can take 14 days of unpaid leave following the birth of a child.

Parental leave

In Azerbaijan, there are various stipulations for parental rights, inclusive of additional time off should it be required; the main clauses being:

A woman with two children under the age of 16 is entitled to extra days of paid leave; a woman with three or more children under the age of 16 is entitled to 5 days of additional paid leave.

A woman or single father with children under 16 is entitled to 14 days of unpaid leave per year.

Adoption leave

Female employees adopting children under two months of age are entitled to 56 calendar days of social leave.


Maternity leave

Birthing parents are entitled to 126 days of paid parental leave, which can be extended if there are medical complications or if there are two or more children.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to up to 14 days’ leave within the first six months after the child is born.

Either parent may take up to three years of unpaid parental leave, during which time their position must remain secure until their return.

Parental leave

Birthing parents can take up to three years of unpaid leave, during which time their job must be kept open.

In addition, employees are entitled to Family Care Leave and receive 100% of their average earnings during the leave. Employees can take this leave to care for a sick child under the age of 14 and a disabled child under 18.

Adoption leave

Employees who adopt a child or are appointed guardians for a child under the age of 3 months are entitled to 70 calendar days counted from the day of adoption or placed under guardianship.

The employee can request part-time work until the child is three years of age. The reduced working time must be less than half of the average monthly working time. The person keeps the right to monthly state allowances.


Maternity leave

In Chile, pregnant employees who have contributed to Social Security for six months are entitled to 126 days of paid leave. The employee must take 42 days before the child’s birth. The employee can divide the remaining days into periods or return to work part-time until the newborn is 18 months. The employee usually receives 80% of the salary during this period, calculated by the personal Health Insurer responsible for this pay.

The employee may take additional unpaid leave. The length will depend on a medical decision or at the employer’s discretion.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to five working days of paid paternity leave. The leave starts with childbirth, and employees must present their birth certificates. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can’t extend leave.

Parental leave

In Chile, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

Both parents are entitled to the same statutory leave described under maternity and paternity leave. The maternity leave is limited to six weeks if the adopted child is older than six months of age.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 126 days of paid leave in Colombia. The employee must take seven days before the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, paid by the employer and reimbursed by Social Security.

The employee can’t extend leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 14 days of paid paternity leave that they must take after the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of the salary, paid by the employer and reimbursed by Social Security.

Parental leave

In Colombia, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

There are no statutory laws covering adoption leave in Colombia.


Maternity leave

In Cuba, pregnant women are entitled to 18 weeks of fully-paid leave (six weeks before birth and 12 after), plus an additional 40 weeks at 60% pay, assured of returning to their same job.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 90 days of paternity leave at 60% of pay.

Parental leave

Co-parents can decide who will take paid leave once postnatal leave ends – 12 weeks after birth – and up to 1 year of age.

Adoption leave:

There are no laws on adoptive leave in Cuba.


Maternity leave

In Cyprus, pregnant employees who have worked for 180 consecutive days for the same employer are entitled to 18 weeks of paid leave. The employee must take two weeks before the child’s birth. The employee will receive 72% of their salary during this period, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave at the employer’s discretion and without payment.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees who have worked for 180 consecutive days for the same employer are entitled to 14 days of paid paternity leave. The employee must take the leave within 16 weeks after the child’s birth. The employee will receive 72% of their salary during this period, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave at the employer’s discretion and without payment.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to 8 months of parental leave. Both parents can decide how to distribute the time off after paternity and maternity leave. Either parent can take parental leave. This leave will be unpaid.

Adoption leave

Adoptive mothers are entitled to 16 weeks of paid adoptive leave from the week of the adoption if the child is less than 12 years old.

Surrogate mothers receive an allowance for 14 weeks starting two weeks before the expected week of confinement.


Maternity leave

In Denmark, a birthing parent is entitled to 18 weeks of leave, four weeks preceding the due date and 14 weeks after the birth, where the first two weeks are mandatory.

Employees who meet statutory eligibility requirements are covered by the Danish Salaried Employees Act and are entitled to 50.00% of their regular salary from the employer from four weeks before the expected date of birth until 14 weeks after the actual date of delivery.

Paternity leave

The non-birthing parent is entitled to take two weeks of leave during the birthing parents’ 14-week maternity leave. The employer has no legal obligation to pay salary during this leave. However, it is common practice in Denmark for employers to provide employees with their full salary for a certain period during leave.

Parental leave

Following the initial 14 weeks of leave, each parent has the right to take up to 32 weeks of parental leave. The employee can extend their parental leave by either 8 or 14 weeks. However, this will decrease the amount of parental allowance received monthly. One of the parents may choose to defer between 8 to 13 weeks of leave which they can use for a continuous period before the child is one year old.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to 14 weeks’ leave after receiving the child.


Maternity leave

In Kazakhstan, pregnant employees are entitled to 126 days of paid maternity leave, 70 days taken before the expected due date, and 56 (increasing to 70 if there are multiple births) after the birth of a child. In the event of a difficult birth, leave after the delivery may be extended by 14 days.

If a birthing parent resides in an area where nuclear tests were performed, the maternity leave is increased to 160 days and is split between 90 days before the expected due date and 70 after the birth.

The employer pays all maternity leave at 100.00% of the regular salary rate.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Kazakhstan.

Parental leave

In Kazakhstan, employees are entitled to request unpaid leave to care for a child until the child reaches the age of three.

Adoption leave

One parent adopting a newborn child is entitled to 56 days of paid leave.


Maternity leave

In Georgia, pregnant employees are entitled to 126 calendar days of paid leave. Social Security will pay 100% of the employee’s average salary from the previous three months (Capped at GEL 1,000 per month).

The employee can extend leave by an additional 17 calendar days at 100% pay capped at GEL 1,000. They also receive 604 days of additional maternity leave.

Paternity leave

There is no paternity leave by law in Georgia. Non-birthing co-parents can use parental leave or the mother’s unused maternity leave.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to 604 calendar days of parental leave. Both parents can decide how to distribute the time off. Social Security will pay 100% of the employee’s average salary from the previous three months during this period, capped at GEL 1,000 per month. Payment is only for the first 200 days after this period.

In addition, employees are also entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid parental leave per year until the child is five years of age.

Adoption leave

Employees that adopt a child under the age of 10 are entitled to paid leave based on their average salary.


Maternity leave

In Lithuania, pregnant employees are entitled to 18 weeks (126 days) of paid maternity leave by SODRA, paid at a rate of 77.58% of the employee’s average salary (€240 minimum) after one year of employment.

Maternity leave is to be taken 70 days before the child’s birth and 56 days after. Maternity leave is increased by 14 days in case of multiple or complicated childbirths. The maternity leave allowance is paid all at once for the entire 18 weeks of leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 30 days of uninterrupted paid paternity leave following the birth of a child, which must be used before the child turns one year old. SODRA pays paternity leave at a rate of 77.58% of the employee’s average salary (currently, €240 minimum and €2,336.56 maximum).

Employees must have made Social Security contributions for at least 12 out of the 24 months preceding paternity leave to receive the paternity leave allowance. In addition, a partner not giving birth to a same-sex couple is not eligible for this leave.

Parental leave

Parents, adoptive parents, grandparents, and guardians are entitled to parental leave until the child turns three years of age.

Parental leave kicks in at the end of maternity leave and continues until the child turns one. Parental leave is paid at 77.58% of the employee’s salary. Alternatively, employees can extend parental leave until the child turns two, at a pay rate of 54.31% for the first year and 31.02% for the second year. The third year is unpaid leave. SODRA pays parental leave. The birth mother’s partner in a same-sex couple is not eligible for parental leave.

Adoption leave

Employees can use parental leave to care for an adopted child, as explained above. The maximum duration of parental leave is two years. This is the only leave adoptive parents get, as the Social Security legislation does not cover separate adoption leave.


Maternity leave

In Malta, pregnant employees are entitled to 18 weeks of maternity leave that starts four weeks before the expected due date and must last six weeks after the birth. The employer pays the maternity benefit at 100.00% of the regular salary rate for the first 14 weeks, after which Social Security pays it.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to one day of special leave for the birth of a child.

Parental leave

Parents are entitled to 4 months of paid leave for the birth of a child, adoption, fostering, or general care until the child reaches the age of 8.

The employee must have been employed for at least 12 consecutive months to be eligible.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents can take parental leave to care for an adopted child, as detailed above.


Maternity leave

In Moldova, pregnant employees are entitled to 126 days of maternity leave, 70 calendar days before birth and 56 calendar days after. The leave is partially paid out of the social insurance fund.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents, grandparents, or other relatives who care for children are eligible for a partially paid holiday to take care of a child under the age of three.

Parental leave

Birthing employees are also eligible for a partially paid holiday until the child reaches the age of three. The holiday duration depends on the employee’s seniority, position, and insurance. The holiday is paid out of the social insurance fund.

Birthing employees with two or more children under 14 are entitled to four additional days of paid annual leave.

Birthing employees with two or more children under the age of 14, and single parents with at least one child under the age of 14, are eligible for an unpaid vacation of 14 calendar days. The employee can use the 14 days in conjunction with the annual paid holiday or separately. The employee does not have to take leave all at once.

Parents can take unpaid holidays from the child’s age of three until the child reaches the age of six. The duration of the leave is dependent on the position of the employee and her seniority.

Adoption leave

Employees adopting a newborn baby straight from the hospital or establishing guardianship over a baby are entitled to a paid adoption leave starting from the first day of adoption until the expiration of 56 days from the birth of the child (or 70 days in case of multiple adoptions).


Maternity leave

In Monaco, pregnant employees are entitled to 18 weeks of maternity leave for the first and second child and 26 weeks for the third child. Pay for these days is tracked daily, so workers receive the earnings they would have made if they worked.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to the following paternity leave:

  • 12 consecutive calendar days for a single birth

  • 19 calendar days for multiple births

  • 19 calendar days if there are already two or more other children in the household

The paternity leave must start within four months of the birth of the baby and can be taken in chunks. This leave is in addition to the two days of special leave granted for a birth. Pay for these days is tracked daily, so workers receive the earnings they would have made if they worked.

Parental leave

In Monaco, there are no laws on parental leave.

Adoption leave

In Monaco, there are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Paraguay, pregnant employees are entitled to 18 weeks of fully paid maternity leave, paid by Social Security (IPS).

The employer can grant an additional six weeks of leave to an employee who has suffered an illness during pregnancy or the delivery of the child. In the event of multiple births, a mother receives an additional 30 days of leave per child.

Paternity leave

The non-birthing partner is entitled to 2 weeks of paid paternity leave after the child’s birth. The IPS compensates paternity leave at the rate of 100% of the employees’ regular salary.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding parental leave in Paraguay.

Adoption leave

Adoptive mothers are granted 18 weeks of maternity leave if the adoptive child is below six months. If the child is older than six months, the entitlement is 12 weeks of sick leave.


Maternity leave

In Romania, pregnant employees, who have worked for six months in the last year, are entitled to 126 days of paid leave. The employee must take 42 days after the birth of the child. There is no time frame to take the rest of the leaves. The employee will receive 85% of the salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

The employee cannot extend leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees insured in the state social insurance system are entitled to five days of paid paternity leave. The employee will receive 100% of their salary during this period from the employer’s salary fund.

Employees can extend leave by ten days if they prove (with a certificate) that they graduated from a childcare course.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to two years of parental leave, and employees that are parents of children with disabilities are entitled to three years of parental leave. If the mother does not use all of the parental leave, the father can use it.

The National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection will pay 85% of the average net salary during this period. The minimum salary paid is RON 1,250, and the maximum amount is RON 8,500.

Adoption leave

There are no laws on adoptive leave in Romania.


Maternity leave

In Ukraine, pregnant employees are entitled to 126 days of paid leave. The employee must take 70 days before the child’s birth and 56 days after the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, and the Social Insurance Fund will be responsible for this pay. The employee cannot extend leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 14 days of paid paternity leave. Employees can take this leave three months from the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay. The employee cannot extend leave.

Parental leave

In Ukraine, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

An employee who has adopted a child is entitled to a one-time paid leave of 56 calendar days and 70 calendar days if adopting two or more children, excluding holidays and non-working days.


Maternity leave

In Uzbekistan, pregnant employees are entitled to paid maternity leave of up to 126 days, 70 days of leave before the birth of a child, and 56 days after the birth, 70 days in the case of multiple/complicated birth.

During maternity leave, employees are entitled to a Social Security benefit of 100.00% of their regular salary.

Paternity leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding paternity leave in Uzbekistan.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in Uzbekistan.

Adoption leave

There are no laws regarding adoptive leave in Uzbekistan.


Maternity leave

In Kyrgyzstan, pregnant employees are entitled to 136 days of maternity leave, 70 days to be used before birth, and 56 calendar days after birth. The state social insurance covers pay.

During maternity leave, employers pay workers 100% of the employee’s wages for the first ten working days. The government provides employees with a benefit from the 11th day until the end of the leave.

Employees can take additional unpaid leave until the child reaches three years of age.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents and relatives can use part or all of the birthing parents’ maternity leave if they intend to care for the child.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Kyrgyzstan.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Kyrgyzstan.

10 weeks +


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 75 days of leave in Bahrain. The first 60 days are fully paid, and the last 15 days are unpaid.

The birthing parent is not allowed to work for 40 days after the birth of a child.

Paternity leave

Non–birthing parents receive one day of paid leave upon the birth of a child.

Parental leave

Female employees are entitled to unpaid childcare leave to care for their children up to six years of age. The leave duration should not exceed six months and is limited to three times throughout their employment.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in Bahrain.


Maternity leave

In Honduras, pregnant employees are entitled to 10 weeks of maternity leave, four weeks before birth and six weeks after birth. The employee receives full pay shared between the employer and Social Security.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Honduras.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Honduras.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoption leave in Honduras.


Maternity leave

In Iraq, pregnant employees are entitled to 72 days of paid maternity leave if they are working in a company operating in Iraq. However, the number of days can be increased based on the employee's requirements.

Paternity leave

There are no statutory laws for paternity leave in Iran.

Parental leave

Parents are entitled to unpaid leave for up to three days to tend to a sick child under six.

Adoption leave

There are no statutory laws for adoption leave in Iran.


Maternity leave

In Jordan, pregnant women are entitled to maternity leave with full pay for ten weeks, including rest before and after delivery. Leave after delivery should be no less than six weeks long, and employment before the period is prohibited.

After the expiry of the maternity leave period, every birthing parent is entitled, within one year of delivery, to take time off with pay for nursing the newborn baby, provided that total time off does not exceed one hour a day.

After maternity leave, birthing parents are entitled to one year of unpaid leave to raise the child.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to a three-day fully paid paternity after the birth of a child.

Parental leave

There is no statutory requirement for parental leave in Jordan.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory requirement for adoptive leave in Jordan.


Maternity leave

In Kuwait, pregnant employees are entitled to 70 days of paid maternity leave, 30 days before the expected due date and 40 days after the child’s birth.

Pregnant women are also entitled to take 100 days of leave, consecutive or not, after the maternity leave, but they are not eligible for payment. They must present a medical certificate as proof that they cannot work.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Kuwait.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Kuwait.

Adoption leave

Adoption of children is not allowed in Kuwait.


Maternity leave

In Lebanon, pregnant employees are entitled to 10 weeks of paid maternity leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to three days off.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Lebanon.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Lebanon.

Saudi Arabia

Maternity leave

In Saudi Arabia, pregnant employees are entitled to 10 weeks of paid maternity leave four weeks before the expected due date. The maternity leave payment depends on the employee’s seniority; employers will compensate employees with service of at least one year at 50.00% of the employee’s pay rate. Employees with at least three years of service receive compensation at the rate of 100.00% of the employees’ regular pay.

An employee receiving full maternity leave entitlement may not also take the payment of annual leave in the same year.

In contrast, an employee receiving 50.00% of their salary as a maternity benefit may also take an annual leave entitlement of 50.00% in the same year.

Paternity leave

The co-partner is entitled to three days of paid paternity leave after the child’s birth.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in Saudi Arabia.

Adoption leave

There are no laws regarding adoptive leave in Saudi Arabia.


Maternity leave

In Yemen, a pregnant employee is entitled to maternity leave with full pay for 70 days from the employer.

The Labor Code does not specify qualifying conditions for maternity leave access nor differentiate between pre-natal and post-natal leave. Employees can extend maternity leave by 20 days if the labor was difficult, as certified by a medical certificate.

Paternity leave

There are no provisions for paternity leave in Yemen.

Parental leave

There are no provisions for parental leave in Yemen.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions for adoption leave in Yemen.


Maternity leave

In Afghanistan, pregnant employees are entitled to 90 days of paid maternity leave. This leave should begin 30 days before delivery and extend 60 days past the date of the birth. In the case of abnormal delivery or multiple births, the employee is entitled to take an extra 15 days of maternity leave. The employee has to present medical certifications to receive payment of salary and other entitlements for the duration of the leave.

Paternity leave

There are no laws for paternity leave in Afghanistan.

Parental leave

There are no laws for parental leave in Afghanistan.

Adoption leave

There are no laws for adoption leave in Afghanistan.


Maternity leave

In Angola, birthing parents who have contributed to the Social Security system for a minimum of six months before their pregnancy will receive 12 weeks’ maternity leave. This leave is supplemented by the employer if necessary. Pay is calculated using the cumulative earnings of the preceding six months.

Leave commences four weeks before the due date (8 weeks before the due date for multiple births) and nine weeks of leave after the child’s birth.

If the birth takes place after the expected delivery date, the leave period is extended by the necessary period to last at least nine weeks.

Paternity leave

The Angola General Labor Law provides one day of paid leave at the time of the birth of a child.

Parental leave

After the birth, parents’ leave ends, and with prior agreement from the employer, the employer can provide a birthing employee with an additional four weeks of supplementary unpaid leave to take care of the child.

Employees are entitled to three days’ leave per month (up to 12 working days a year) to provide urgent assistance to members of the employee’s household.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law on adoption leave in Angola.


Maternity leave

In Argentina, birthing parents are entitled to 90 days' leave. Employees must take 30 days before the child’s birth. Commonly, the leave is split 45 days on either side of the delivery.

The Argentine Social Security system pays maternity leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing partners are entitled to two days of paid leave.

Parental leave

There are no laws for parental leave in Argentina.

Adoption leave

There are no laws for adoptive leave in Argentina.


Maternity leave

In Barbados, pregnant employees receive 12 weeks of paid leave after one year of service. Generally, pregnant employees take six weeks of leave before the expected due date, with the remaining weeks of leave taken after birth. Leave can be extended by six weeks in the event of a pregnancy-related illness.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Barbados.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Barbados.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Barbados.


Maternity leave

In Bolivia, employees, who have worked for 120 consecutive days, are entitled to 90 days of paid leave. The employee must take 45 days before the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, the employer will pay the wages, and Social Security will reimburse 90% of the wage.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees who have worked for 120 consecutive days are entitled to three days of paid paternity leave that they must take after the child’s birth.

Parental leave

Bolivia has no parental leave policy. However, employees can request a license due to accidents or serious illnesses of children under 12 years of age. The length is three days with 100% of their salary.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to up to two months of paid leave following an adoption. Adoptive parents are protected from dismissal for one year from the date of the final decision awarding the adoption.


Maternity leave

In Botswana, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave, six weeks before birth and six after. The employee must present a doctor’s certificate. Employees are eligible to receive at least 50% of their basic pay.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Botswana.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Botswana.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Botswana.


Maternity leave

In Cambodia, pregnant employees are entitled to 90 days of maternity leave after one year of continuous service. There is no restriction on whether the leave must start before or after the birth.

Employees are entitled to 50% of their normal wages and benefits during maternity leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to one day of paid paternity leave.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to up to seven days per event for matters that affect an immediate family member.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive parents.


Maternity leave

In Dominica, pregnant employees with one year of continuous employment are entitled to 12 weeks maternity leave, three weeks before the estimated date of birth and six weeks postnatal.

The employee will be granted four weeks at half pay during maternity leave.

Paternity leave

There is no paternity leave in Dominica.

Parental leave

There are no statutory laws regarding parental leave in Dominica.

Adoption leave

There are no statutory laws regarding adoptive leave in Dominica.


Maternity leave

In Ecuador, new parents are entitled to 12 weeks of leave, two weeks before birth and ten weeks after birth.

Social Security and the employer share maternity payments; Social Security pays 75%, and the employer pays 25%. Ten days are added for additional births.

Birthing parents are also entitled to nine months of shortened working days, six hours instead of eight.

Paternity leave

In Ecuador, non-birthing parents are entitled to ten days of paid leave, increasing to 15 days in the case of multiple/complicated births. In the case of premature birth, non-birthing parents are entitled to 18 days of paid paternity leave.

Parental leave

Following the end of paid leave, both birthing and non-birthing parents are entitled to optional unpaid leave for up to nine additional months to take care of the child into the first year.

Adoption leave

Parents that choose to adopt are entitled to optional unpaid leave for up to nine additional months to take care of the child into the first year of their life.


Maternity leave

In Egypt, pregnant employees are entitled to 90 days of paid maternity leave. Under most contracts, paid maternity leave is eligible twice within five years.

Paternity leave

In Egypt, there are no laws regarding paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in Egypt.

Adoption leave

There are no laws regarding paternity leave in Egypt.

Eswatini (Swaziland)

Maternity leave

In Eswatini, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave, six weeks of which may be taken before the due date. Two weeks of leave are paid if the employee has worked for at least one year.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Eswatini.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Eswatini.

Equatorial Guinea

Maternity leave

In Equatorial Guinea, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave. Generally, the employee takes six weeks of maternity leave before the birth, with the remaining six weeks taken after the birth. Maternity leave can be extended in some instances.

Eligible employees are entitled to maternity benefits from Social Security. Female employees also receive additional pre-delivery or post-delivery rest for a pregnancy-related or delivery-related illness.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory leave for non-birthing parents in Equatorial Guinea.

Parental leave

There is no statutory leave for parental leave in Equatorial Guinea.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory leave for parental leave in Equatorial Guinea.


Maternity leave

In Gambia, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of paid maternity leave. The employee takes six weeks before the child’s due date and the remaining six weeks after the birth. The employee’s salary is paid at 100% by the employer. To be eligible, employees must have worked for the same employer continuously for two years before taking the leave.

Paternity leave

In Gambia, non-birthing parents are entitled to 10 days’ paternity leave where they will receive their full salary.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in the Gambia.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in the Gambia.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of paid leave in Ghana. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave additional two weeks at 100% pay if they have a pregnancy-related illness or conceiving more than one child.

Paternity leave

There are no statutory laws regarding paternity leave. However, Ghana is working on passing legislation to mandate five days of paternity leave.

Parental leave

No paternity leave is currently required by law in Ghana.

Adoption leave

No adoption leave is required by law in Ghana.


Maternity leave

In Guatemala, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave starting 30 days before the expected due date.

In the event of a miscarriage or stillbirth, the employee is entitled to 42 days of paid leave.

Paternity leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding parental leave.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding adoption leave.


Maternity leave

In Haiti, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of paid maternity leave. They must begin their leave no more than six weeks before delivery. However, the starting date of the maternity leave must be at least four weeks before delivery. If the leave taken before delivery is less than six weeks, new birthing parents can compound that time with the allotted six weeks after delivery.

The employee must register with the Office of Occupational Accident Insurance, Sickness, and Maternity (OFATMA) for maternity insurance, which will pay for six weeks of the leave when available. The employer is responsible for paying standard wages for the other six weeks.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Haiti.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Haiti.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoption leave in Haiti.


Maternity leave

In Indonesia, pregnant employees are entitled to three months of fully paid maternity leave before the estimated due date and one and a half months of leave following the birth. The maternity leave is paid at 100.00% of the regular salary rate of pay.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents in Indonesia are entitled to two days’ leave for the birth of their child or a miscarriage.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to paid child leave in the following circumstances:

  • Two days of paid leave for the circumcision of the employee’s child

  • Two days of paid leave for the Baptism of the employee’s child

  • Two days of paid leave for the marriage of the employee’s child

  • Two days of paid leave for the death of the employee’s child

Adoption leave

There are no statutory laws on adoption leave.


Maternity leave

In Iran, pregnant employees are entitled to 90 days of paid maternity leave. 45 days is to be used after childbirth if possible. In the case of twins, the leave is extended to 14 days. Social Security Organizations Act covers full pay to the employers with provisions.

Paternity leave

There are no statutory laws for paternity leave in Iran.

Parental leave

There are no statutory laws for parental leave in Iran.

Adoption leave

There are no statutory laws for adoption leave in Iran.


Maternity leave

In Jamaica, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave after one year of employment.

The maternity pay is paid for eight weeks at the regular salary rate.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory requirement for paternity leave in Jamaica.

Parental leave

There is no statutory requirement for parental leave in Jamaica.

Adoption leave

An employer can choose to permit an adoptive parent to take adoptive leave with or without pay, but this is entirely at the employer’s discretion.


Maternity leave

In Kenya, pregnant employees are entitled to three months’ maternity leave, fully paid by the employer.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to two weeks’ paternity leave fully paid by the employer.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Kenya.

Adoption leave

Both adoptive parents can apply for pre-adoptive leave with full pay from the child’s placement date. If a couple working for the same employer intends to adopt a child, they are both entitled to one-month pre-adoptive leave with full pay.


Maternity leave

In Kiribati, pregnant employees are entitled to 90 days leave (12 weeks); 30 days before and 60 after delivery, paid 100% by the employer at the employee's usual salary.

Leave is extended by 15 days if the parent has an abnormal type of delivery or gives birth to twins or more.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 3 days of paternity leave within 30 days of the birth.

Parental leave

Eligible employees can take one year of unpaid parental leave, also referred to as childcare leave to care for a child aged six and under who is not enrolled in elementary school. To qualify, the worker must have offered continuous services to the employer for more than a year before the scheduled child care leave date.

The only exception to this rule is when a couple exercises the right to take up to three weeks of concurrent parental leave at the time of the birth. In such cases, one employee may take part of their unpaid parental leave entitlement within three weeks of the child’s birth and recommence their leave when the other partner returns to work.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to child care leave as explained above.


Maternity leave

In Lesotho, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave, six weeks before and six weeks after the birth. If the birth occurs after the anticipated date, prenatal leave is extended accordingly with no consequent reduction in postnatal leave.

During maternity leave, a worker’s income should amount to at least two-thirds of your preceding salary.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Lesotho.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Lesotho.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Lesotho.Liberia


Maternity leave

In Liberia, pregnant employees are entitled to three months of paid maternity leave at full pay.

Paternity leave

Liberia does not have any statutory paternity leave.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Liberia.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Liberia.


Maternity leave

In Mauritius, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of paid maternity leave, six weeks to be taken before birth and six after. The birthing parent is entitled to full pay if employed for more than 12 months.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents in Mauritius are entitled to 5 days of paid paternity leave.

Parental leave

In Mauritius, there are no provisions in the law for maternity leave.

Adoption leave

In Mauritius, there are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Mexico, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of paid maternity leave, six weeks before the due date, and six weeks of paid leave after the birth.

Social Security, not the employer, pays for maternity leave. The payment is capped at 25 times the minimum wage. For those employees with higher salaries than capped by Law, some companies pay the difference of the income not received by the employee by Social Security payment.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 5 paid days of paternity leave.

Parental leave

In Mexico, there are no provisions in the law for parental leave.

Adoption leave

After adopting a minor child, working mothers have the right to paid maternity leave for six weeks after receiving the child. Likewise, fathers of newly born or adopted children have the right to paid paternity leave for five work days.


Maternity leave

In Namibia, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave, four weeks before birth and eight weeks after.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Namibia.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Namibia.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Namibia.


Maternity leave

In Nauru, pregnant employees are entitled to 84 consecutive days of maternity leave with total remuneration for the first four pregnancies and a half for any subsequent pregnancies.

An employee is entitled to paid maternity leave if she has completed six months of continuous service by the time she begins maternity leave. Suppose the employee completes six months of continuous service during maternity leave. In that case, she is entitled to be paid her full remuneration for the remaining period of maternity leave.

Paternity leave

Paternity leave is available to non-birthing employees to enable them to be absent from duty immediately after the birth of a child.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Nauru.

Adoption leave

Adopting females are entitled to 12 weeks of adoptive leave for children under 12 months old. Suppose the employee completes six months of continuous service during adoption leave. In that case, she is entitled to be paid her full remuneration for the remaining period of adoption leave.


Maternity leave

In Nicaragua, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of paid leave; an employee must take four weeks of leave before the birth of the child and eight weeks following the birth.

In the case of multiple births, an employee is entitled to 14 weeks of paid leave, four weeks before the child’s birth and ten weeks following the birth.

The Social Security compensates for all maternity leave at 60% of the employee’s regular salary and 40% from the employer, resulting in a fully paid maternity leave.

Employees who have contributed to Social Security for a minimum of 16 weeks preceding childbirth receive a maternity leave benefit of 12 weeks at 100.00% of the employee’s average weekly income. The employer must pay if an employee has not contributed to Social Security.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to five business days of paid paternity leave after the child’s birth.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in Nicaragua.

Adoption leave

There are no laws regarding adoptive leave in Nicaragua.


Maternity leave

In Nigeria, pregnant employees who have worked for six consecutive months or more are entitled to 12 weeks of paid leave. The employee must take six weeks before the child’s birth and six weeks after the child’s birth. The employee will receive 50% of the salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave in case of illness, certified by the registered medical practitioner.

Paternity leave

There is no paternity leave currently required by law.

Parental leave

In Nigeria, no law covers parental leave. However, employees may be entitled to maternity leave and paternity leave.

Adoption leave

No adoptive leave is currently required by law in Nigeria.


Maternity leave

In Rwanda, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of paid leave. The employee can take two weeks before the child’s birth and receive 100% of the salary during this period. Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

Paternity leave

There is no paternity leave currently required by law in Rwanda.

Parental leave

In Rwanda, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding adoptive leave in Rwanda.

Sierra Leone

Maternity leave

In Sierra Leone, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of paid maternity leave. The employer pays the leave unless otherwise agreed in a collective agreement.

Paternity leave

There is no paternity leave in Sierra Leone.

Parental leave

There is no information available on parental leave in Sierra Leone.

Adoption leave

No information on adoptive leave in Sierra Leone is available.


Maternity leave

In Slovenia, pregnant employees are entitled to 90 days of maternity leave in addition to 130 days of parental leave. Leave should start 28 days before the birth date and can be extended according to how the parental leave is distributed with the partner. During this period, the Government will be responsible for paying the base salary.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 30 days of paternity leave. During this period, the government will pay the employee's salary according to their average monthly wage in the past 12 months. Leave should start after the birth of the child.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to 130 days of parental leave each. This leave is extended in the event of the birth of twins or more children at the same time, a prematurely born child, or a child who needs additional care.

The amount of parental benefit is equal to 100% of the basic salary and may not be more than 2.5 times the amount of the average monthly wage.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to 130 days of parental leave each, which can be extended by 90 days (for each parent) if adopting twins or two differently aged children under the age of 3 years.

South Korea

Maternity leave

In South Korea, pregnant employees are entitled to 90 days of paid leave. The employee must take 45 days after the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this leave. The employer is responsible for this payment. The employer pays 60 days of this payment, and the Social Security Fund reimburses the remaining 30 days.

The employee can extend leave using parental (childcare) leave.

Paternity leave

I am running a few minutes late; my previous meeting is running over.

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 10 days of paid paternity leave. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, and the Social Security Fund will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave using parental (childcare) leave.

Parental leave

In South Korea, employees are entitled to up to two years of parental leave (1 year per parent). Employees can take the leave 45 days after the birth of the child. Both parents can use leave at the same time. The employee will be paid:

For months 1 to 3 - 75% of 80% of the average salary (the upper limit is WON 1.5 million). They will be paid the remaining 25% after six months. For example, if the employee’s salary is WON 100, they will be paid 75% of WON 80 (80% of average salary) and the remaining 25% after six months.
For months 4 to 12 - 50% of their average wage (the Upper limit is WON 1.2 million)

The government pays for this leave.

Adoption leave

No information on adoptive leave in South Korea is available.

South Sudan

Maternity leave

In South Sudan, pregnant employees are entitled to 90 days of fully paid maternity leave and 45 days for breastfeeding while working half days.

The employee must take at least 90 days of maternity leave immediately following childbirth.

Paternity leave

A non-birthing employee is entitled to two weeks of paternity leave on full pay, to be taken within three days after the child’s birth or immediately following a miscarriage.

Parental leave

In South Sudan, there is no provision in the law on paid or unpaid parental leave. However, either parent can take a long leave of absence (paid or unpaid) without resigning from work after completing maternity and paternity leave.

Adoption leave

There is no information available on adoptive leave in South Sudan.

Sri Lanka

Maternity leave

In Sri Lanka, pregnant employees who have worked for 150 consecutive days for an employer are entitled to 84 days, excluding holidays, of paid leave. The employee must take 14 days before the child’s birth and the following days after the birth. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

There are no regulations to extend maternity leave. The employee should arrange the length and payment conditions with the employer.

Paternity leave

There is no paternity leave currently required by law.

Parental leave

In Sri Lanka, no laws cover parental leave.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory entitlement to adoptive leave in Sri Lanka.


Maternity leave

In Tanzania, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of paid maternity leave for one child or 14 weeks for more than one child. Maternity leave is granted with full pay (100% of previous earnings), paid by the employer.

An employee becomes eligible for maternity/paternity leave after completing six months of work from the start of their employment contract.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 3 days of paternity leave granted with full pay (100% of previous earnings), paid by the employer.

Parental leave

In Tanzania, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

In Tanzania, no law covers adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Thailand, pregnant employees are entitled to 98 days of maternity leave, paid at 100.00% of the regular salary rate of pay for 45 days. Social Security pays the remaining days 50.00% of the regular salary rate.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees in the private sector have no statutory paternity leave. However, employees in the public sector are entitled to 15 days of paternity leave.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Thailand.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Thailand.


Maternity leave

In Timor-Leste, pregnant employees are entitled to paid maternity leave for up to 12 weeks. The employee must take 10 of the weeks after the birth.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees can take five days of paid paternity leave after a child’s birth. In case of their partner’s death during or within two weeks of childbirth, they are permitted a full twelve weeks of paid leave.

Parental leave

There are special provisions for mothers that have a medical condition that prevents them from carrying out regular duties without endangering themselves or their children. These employees are also entitled to parental leave without prejudice to after-birth maternity leave.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Timor-Leste.


Maternity leave

In Tuvalu, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave, six weeks before birth and six weeks after. Workers on maternity leave should earn at least 25% of their standard wages.

Paternity leave

There are no provisions in the law for paternity leave in Tuvalu.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law for parental leave in Tuvalu.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in Tuvalu law for adoptive leave.

United States

Maternity leave

In the US, pregnancy is a qualifying criterion for protected unpaid leave under federal law with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Under the FMLA, pregnant employees are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. This leave must be contiguous unless otherwise granted by an employer.

Employees are eligible for FMLA leave if:

  • They have worked for their employer for at least 12 months

  • Have worked for their employee at least 1,250 hours over the past 12 months

  • Work at a location where the employer employs 50 or more employees within 75 miles

Paternity leave

In the US, there are no specific Federal paternity regulations outside of the parental leave granted in the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Parental leave

In the US, Federal law allows for parental leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Either or both parents can go on family leave within the first year after the birth of a child. Employees are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. This leave must be contiguous unless otherwise granted by an employer.

Employees are eligible for FMLA leave if:

  • They have worked for their employer for at least 12 months

  • Have worked for their employee at least 1,250 hours over the past 12 months

  • Work at a location where the employer employs 50 or more employees within 75 miles

Adoption leave

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitles eligible employees to take up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave for the adoption of a child. Eligibility depends on the employer’s guidelines. The employee must use the leave within the first year after the child’s placement.


Maternity leave

In Vanuatu, pregnant employees receive 12 weeks of maternity leave, six weeks before and six weeks after labor. Employers must pay at least half a worker’s standard rate while on maternity leave.

Paternity leave

There are no laws regarding paternity leave in Vanuatu.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in Vanuatu.

Adoption leave

There are no laws regarding adoptive leave in Vanuatu.


Maternity leave

In Grenada, pregnant employees are entitled to three months of maternity leave paid by the employer. The employee can take these days before and after delivery in any way they prefer.

Maternity pay is as follows:

  • Monthly employees: At least 40 percent of two months’ pay.

  • Weekly and biweekly employees: 40 percent of four fortnights.

  • Daily employees: 40 percent of 1/5th of pay in the last year.

​​Paternity leave

Grenada does not provide statutory paternity leave for non-birthing parents.

Parental leave

Grenada does not provide statutory parental leave.

Adoption leave

Grenada does not provide statutory adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Guyana, pregnant employees are entitled to 13 weeks of maternity leave, paid weekly or bi-weekly through Guyana’s Social Security system. In exceptional cases, an employee can take a further thirteen weeks up to 26 weeks.

An expecting employee qualifies for maternity benefits if they or their spouse makes at least 15 contributions and seven contributions in the 26 weeks before taking leave. Pregnant employees have a four-week window for filing a claim for maternity benefits, starting nine contribution weeks before the expected leave date. The time can be reasonably extended for people in remote areas. A person failing to claim benefits during the prescribed time is disqualified from receiving benefits.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Guyana.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Guyana.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoption leave in Guyana.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Maternity leave

In Saint Kitts and Nevis, a pregnant employee is entitled to thirteen weeks’ maternity leave, at least two weeks up to and including the date of their confinement, and at least six weeks immediately from that date.

Paternity leave

There are no laws regarding paternity leave in Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Adoption leave

There are no laws regarding adoptive leave in Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Saint Lucia

Maternity leave

In Saint Lucia, pregnant employees are entitled to thirteen weeks of maternity leave, six weeks before birth, and six weeks after confinement unless the employee chooses to return to work before that time.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to five (5) days of paid paternity leave following the birth of a child.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in St Lucia.

Adoption leave

Adoptive parents are entitled to five (5) days of paid paternity leave upon the initial placement or legal adoption of a child under age 18.

Trinidad and Tobago

Maternity leave

In Trinidad and Tobago, pregnant employees are entitled to 13 weeks of maternity leave — six weeks before the due date and seven weeks after. Even in the event of a stillbirth or death, the employee is entitled to the full amount of leave. During the thirteen weeks, an employee is entitled to receive one month’s pay and two months’ half-pay, according to the Ministry of Labor. Afterward, they are guaranteed the right to come back to work.

Company leave policy in Trinidad and Tobago also allows pregnant employees to take paid time off from work to receive prenatal care. An employee must have been with her employee for at least a year to receive these benefits.

Paternity leave

Paternity leave is not a statutory requirement, but some employers offer it

Parental leave

There are no laws for parental leave in Trinidad and Tobago.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in Trinidad and Tobago.


Maternity leave

In Algeria, birthing employees are entitled to up to 14 weeks of fully paid leave. Employees must take their leave starting at least a week before they’re admitted to the hospital. Employees on leave are entitled to a daily allowance corresponding to their normal wage.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees whose partners have delivered a baby are entitled to 3 days’ leave paid by the employer. Employees are required to submit a written notice to their employer.

Parental leave

Birthing employees are entitled to paid parental leave 12 weeks after their postnatal maternity leave. Birthing parents can also take part-time paid parental leave for up to 18 weeks; in this case, they will receive 50% of their maternity benefits and 50% of their wages.

Adoption leave

Employees that adopt are entitled to parental leave as explained above.

Antigua and Barbuda

Maternity leave

In Antigua and Barbuda, birthing parents are entitled to leave after working a minimum of 12 months of unbroken service and six continuous months for Civil servants.

Birthing parents are entitled to a maximum of 14 weeks of paid leave, commencing as early as six weeks before the due date or as late as the week of the due date.

The pay rate is 60% of the insured’s average weekly earnings in the 52 weeks before the last six weeks before the expected week of childbirth and is paid through contributions to the Social Security Fund payable by insured persons and employers.

The employee must notify the employer of leave at the latest two months before the intended start of the leave. Suppose the employee takes leave earlier than 30 days before the birth.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Antigua and Barbuda.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Antigua and Barbuda.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the Antigua and Barbuda law regarding adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Belize, insured birthing parents are entitled to receive leave and payments based on specific eligibility requirements.

Provided that the employee was employed during the preceding 12 months for not less than 150 days, they are entitled to a maximum of 14 weeks of paid leave. Seven weeks paid before birth and seven weeks after.

The pay is calculated based on 80% of the average weekly Insurable Earnings of the insured woman in 39 weeks before maternity leave commences. The minimum benefit is 44.00 BZD per week and 384.00 BZD per week at a maximum.

Paternity leave

Leave is not required by law for non-birthing parents in Belize.

Parental leave

Parental leave is not required by law in Belize.

Adoption leave

Adoptive leave is not required by law in Belize.


Maternity leave

In Benin, birthing employees are eligible for 14 weeks of paid leave, six weeks before the birth and eight weeks after the birth, with the employer paying for half and social insurance the balance.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to three days of paid paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law for parental leave in Benin.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in Benin.

Burkina Faso

Maternity leave

In Burkina Faso, are generally entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave. Both the employer and Social Security pay for the leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are generally entitled to 20 days of leave for events concerning their home life, such as childbirth.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the Burkina Faso law regarding parental leave.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the Burkina Faso law regarding adoptive leave.

Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory coast)

Maternity leave

In Côte d'Ivoire, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave. The employee must take six weeks before the birth and eight weeks after the birth. Two additional weeks are provided for multiple births.

Leave can be extended by up to 11 weeks in the event of pregnancy or childbirth-related illnesses, and up to 12 months if the child is hospitalized.

Paternity leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding parental leave.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Cameroon, every birthing parent is entitled to maternity leave for 14 weeks, starting four weeks before the birth. Parents can extend this leave by six weeks in case of illness duly attested and resulting either from the birth or the pregnancy. During maternity leave, the employer cannot terminate the employment contract.

Every employee covered by the labor code can receive family benefits. Social Security provides various cash benefits before and after childbirth (prenatal allowances, maternity allowances, and daily allowances for salaried workers when they stop work to give birth).

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents can use ten days of paid family leave for paternity leave.

Parental leave

Workers are eligible to receive ten days of paid leave for family events.

Mothers with children under six are eligible for two additional days of leave for each child or one day if the mother’s accrued leave does not exceed six days.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in Cameroon.

Central African Republic

Maternity leave

In the Central African Republic, pregnant employees receive 14 weeks of maternity leave, six weeks before birth and eight weeks after. The employee can extend leave by three weeks in cases of complications during the birth. For 14 months after the birth of a child, employees receive free healthcare funded by the Central African Republic’s Social Security program.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory leave for non-birthing parents in the Central African Republic law.

Parental leave

There are no other provisions regarding parental leave in the Central African Republic.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory leave for adoption in the Central African Republic.


Maternity leave

In Chad, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave through Social Security benefits.
The employer must pay the leave if the employee is not registered with the National Social Security Fund.

Paternity leave

In Chad, non-birthing parents are generally eligible for two weeks of employer-paid leave.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Chad.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Chad.


Maternity leave

In China, pregnant employees are entitled to 98 days of paid leave. The leave is generally granted 15 days before the day of delivery. The salary during this leave will be the average salary of all female employees in the company, or three times the minimum wage (whichever is greater). Social Security is responsible for paying the employee three times the minimum wage. The employer pays the remaining amount above this.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 15 days of paid paternity leave. Suppose the employer has paid social insurance premiums for employees. In that case, the Social Security Center is responsible for the salary payment during leave (once the employer applies to the Social Security Center). The salary during paternity leave is the local social average wage standard. The employer shall make the difference if the employee’s salary exceeds the average social wage standard. Thus, the employee will receive 100% of their base salary.

The employee can extend leave using childcare leave.

Parental leave

Parental leave varies depending on where the employee is based. Employees in Beijing and Shanghai are entitled to five days of parental leave each year until their child turns three years old. Both parents can take this leave and decide how to distribute the time off. Most regions provide base salary during statutory parental leave for specific salary settlements.

The following regions are entitled to 10 days of childcare leave each year:

  • Heilongjiang

  • Liaoning

  • Hebei

  • Jiangxi

  • Sichuan

  • Guizhou

  • Zhejiang

  • Tianjin

  • Ningxia

  • Henan

  • Hubei

  • Hunan

  • Hainan

  • Guangdong

The following regions are entitled to 15 days of childcare leave each year:

  • Shanxi

  • Qinghai

  • Gansu

Adoption leave

There are no statutory laws covering adoption leave in China.


Maternity leave

In Comoros, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave at the same salary they earned while working. The em employee must take eight of the weeks after they give birth. She can receive three additional weeks if she suffers from medical complications and illness after the birth.

Paternity leave

There are no statutory laws regarding paternity leave in Comoros.

Parental leave

There are no statutory laws regarding parental leave in Comoros.

Adoption leave

There are no statutory laws regarding adoptive leave in Comoros.


Maternity leave

In Croatia, pregnant employees are entitled to 98 days of paid leave. The employee must take 28 days before the child’s birth and 70 days after the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period (based on the last six months), and the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO) will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave through parental leave

Paternity leave

There is no statutory leave for non-birthing parents in Croatia. However, on the 70th day after birth, the birthing parent can transfer the remainder of the leave to the non-birthing parent.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to eight months of parental leave for the first and second child and 30 months for twins or every child after the first two. Both parents can use parental leave, each for four or 15 months. If only one parent uses this right, leave can last only six or 30 months.

Salary compensation during the first six months of parental leave is paid 100% of their average salary (based on the last six months) with a maximum limit of HRK 5,654.20 per month. Employees will receive 70% of their average salary for the remaining leave.

The Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO) is responsible for this payment.

Adoption leave

Employees who adopt are entitled to six months of parental leave from the day they receive the child for children up to 18. An additional six months of adoptive parent leave is granted for an adopted child under eight years of age.

Adoptive parents can extend leave for 60 days in the case of the adoption of twins, a third child or any subsequent child in the family, or a child with developmental difficulties.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Maternity leave

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, pregnant employees have the right to suspend their work for 14 consecutive weeks, a maximum of eight weeks post-pregnancy and six before childbirth. During this period, the employee is entitled to two-thirds of their salary and continuation of the contractual benefits.

The employer and Social Security pay for the leave. To be eligible, the employee must have six consecutive months of work.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to two days of mandatory paid paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no statutory laws regarding parental leave in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Adoption leave

There are no statutory laws regarding adoptive leave in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Dominican Republic

Maternity leave

In the Dominican Republic, employees who have worked for 12 consecutive months and contributed to Social Security for eight months are entitled to 14 weeks of paid leave. Leave can start six weeks before the child’s birth.

The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and both Social Security and the employer will be responsible for this pay. Social Security will be responsible for 50% of the pay, and the employer will pay the remaining 50%. However, Social Security will return 50% of the amount the employer contributed through credit.

The employee can extend leave using paid time off.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to two days of paid paternity leave which they must take on the day of the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can’t extend leave.

Parental leave

In the Dominican Republic, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

In the Dominican Republic, no law covers adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Djibouti, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave that begins eight weeks before the due date and six weeks after delivery. The leave period may be extended by an additional three weeks in case of complications that require a medical note. After returning to work, she is entitled to 15 months of breastfeeding rest during workdays. The total duration of this rest may not exceed one hour per working day, to be taken at the beginning or end of the working day.

Eligible employees receive maternity benefits while on maternity leave, which are equally split between the employer and Social Advancement Organization. Benefits are paid at 100% of the monthly earnings. To be eligible, the employee must have at least three months of covered earnings, notify the employer at least one month before leave and provide a medical certificate. Male employees receive three days of paid paternity leave.

Paternity leave

In Djibouti, non-birthing parents are entitled to 3 days of paid paternity leave after the birth of the child.

Parental leave

There are no statutory laws regarding parental leave in Djibouti.

Adoption leave

There are no statutory laws regarding adoptive leave in Djibouti.


Maternity leave

In Fiji, pregnant employees are entitled to paid leave for 98 consecutive days if they have been employed for at least 150 days, nine months before their due date.

The employee will receive full pay for her first three births and half their regular pay for 4th and subsequent births.

An employee can take maternity leave at any time before or after delivery on the condition that they continue to work during the time before the delivery period. They will need to provide a medical certificate certifying that they are fit to work during that period. If the employee is absent from work for more than 98 consecutive days, they are not entitled to wages for the days over 98 days.

In case an expecting employee dies before the expected birth or after the day of the child’s birth, the employer is liable to pay wages to the nominee.

Paternity leave

A non-birthing employee is entitled to five days of paid paternity leave if they have completed more than three months of continuous service with the same employer.

An employee is entitled to full regular pay for the first three births and half of his regular pay for the 4th and subsequent births.

The paternity leave can be availed at any time during the three months before and after the child’s birth. The employee can take the leave in a lump sum or shorter periods, as agreed by the employer.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Fiji.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Fiji.


Maternity leave

In Gabon, pregnant employees are generally entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave: 6 weeks of leave prior to the birth and eight weeks after.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 10 days of paid leave for family events under “family allowance.”

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Gabon.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Gabon.


Maternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid leave in Germany. The employee must take six weeks before the child’s birth and the remaining eight weeks after the birth. The employee will receive 100% of the average net salary for the last three months. The employer and the health insurance company pay parts of the salary. However, the employer gets a 100% refund from the health insurance company during the “U2 process”.

The employee must submit a medical certificate to the employer with the expected date of birth.

Premature or multiple births and children with disabilities can take an additional 12 weeks leave after the birth.

The employee cannot extend leave. However, they can take unpaid parental leave.

Paternity leave

In Germany, no law covers paternity leave. However, employees are entitled to parental leave.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to a maximum of three years of parental leave per child, which they can take until their third birthday. The employee will receive a minimum of EUR 300 and a maximum of EUR 1,800. The “Elterngeldstelle” (state parental allowance fund) will calculate the employee’s payments based on the last 12 months’ gross salary and subtract the flat rate for tax and health insurance.

The employee needs to provide a notice of 7 weeks before they intend to start parental leave.

Adoption leave

Employees are entitled to parental leave for adoption.


Maternity leave

In Guinea, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Guinea.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Guinea.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoption leave in Guinea.

Hong Kong

Maternity leave

In Hong Kong, pregnant employees who have worked for 12 consecutive months are entitled to 14 weeks of paid leave. The employee must take two weeks before the child’s birth.

The employee will receive 80% of their average monthly salary from the last 12 months, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

Paternity leave

Employees who have worked for 40 consecutive weeks are entitled to 5 days of paid paternity leave. The leave can be divided however the employee sees fit.

The employee will receive 80% of their average monthly salary from the last 12 months, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

Parental leave

In Hong Kong, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

In Hong Kong, no law covers adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Japan, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of leave, six weeks before birth and eight weeks after. If the employee wants to return to work earlier than eight weeks, they must submit approval from a medical doctor. If the child’s birth is delayed, the days between the expected due date and the actual birth date also count as maternity leave.

During maternity leave, U.Tokyo pays the employee’s salary. Income tax, labor insurance, and social insurance during maternity leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents can use childcare leave anywhere between the child’s birth date to the child’s third birthday. Childcare leave is paid by income tax, labor insurance, and social insurance.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to childcare leave. Birthing parents can start their childcare leave from the day after maternity leave ends (i.e. eight weeks after the birth date), and non-birthing parents can take their childcare leave anywhere between the child’s birth date to the day the child reaches the age of three. Each parent may take childcare leave up to three times.

Adoption leave

Although there are no special leave provisions for adoption, adoptive parents are entitled to childcare leave, as explained above.


Maternity leave

In Libya, pregnant employees are entitled to a maternity leave of 14 weeks, six of which are to be taken before the predicted due date and eight weeks after the birth. In multiple or complicated births, the leave entitlement is increased to 16 weeks of leave.

Paternity leave

There are no provisions in the law for paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law for parental leave.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Madagascar, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave, at least 8 of which should be taken after the child’s birth.

Employees covered by social insurance are entitled to a portion of their wages provided by the employer.

Employers cover maternity leave pay for employees not covered by social insurance.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to up to 10 days yearly for family events.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law for parental leave in Madagascar.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in Madagascar.


Maternity leave

In Malaysia, pregnant employees are entitled to 98 consecutive days of maternity leave with full pay. A company can opt to extend the leave beyond 60 days without pay. Public sector employees receive 90 days of leave. The leave period can begin one month before the expected delivery date.

An employee must have worked for the same employer for a minimum of 90 days in the four months before starting leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents in Malaysia expect seven days of paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law for parental leave in Malaysia.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for paternity leave in Malaysia.


Maternity leave

In Mali, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of unpaid maternity leave if they’ve worked at least nine months with the same company six weeks before birth and eight after. This period can be extended by three weeks if there are medical complications.

Female employees may be eligible for maternity benefits from Mali’s Social Security program. To be eligible, employees must reside in Mali and have at least nine months of covered employment.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to three days of government-paid paternity leave. Employees should take this leave within 15 days of the child’s birth

Parental leave

There are no laws for parental leave in Mali.

Adoption leave

There are no laws for adoptive leave in Mali.


Maternity leave

In Mauritania, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of fully paid maternity leave. Eight of those weeks must be taken after the birth. Mothers are also granted an additional day of leave per year for each child under the age of 14. New mothers are given an hour a day to breastfeed for the first 15 months after childbirth.

Paternity leave

In Mauritania, there are no provisions in the law for maternity leave.

Parental leave

In Mauritania, there are no provisions in the law for maternity leave.

Adoption leave

In Mauritania, there are no provisions in the law for maternity leave.


Maternity leave

In Montenegro, pregnant employees are entitled to 98 days of paid maternity leave at the employees’ regular pay rate.

Maternity leave should start 28 days before the due date.

Paternity leave

The paternity leave entitlement is included in parental leave.

Parental leave

Employees can use parental leave after completing maternity leave for 365 days. Each parent is entitled to an even share of the leave. Parental leave can be transferred from one parent to the other 30 days from when parental leave started. The parent who transferred the right to the other parent is not entitled to continue the use of parental leave.

Adoption leave

One parent is entitled to up to a year of leave after adopting a child under the age of eight. They will receive a reduced salary during this period. The employee must give their employer one month of notice before taking this leave.


Maternity leave

In Morocco, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave, seven weeks before birth and seven weeks after. The maternity payment is at the regular salary rate and paid by the employer.

Mothers can also request to take up to a year of additional unpaid leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to three days of paid paternity leave within the first month of the child’s birth.

Parental leave

There is no parental leave apart from maternity and paternity leave.

Adoption leave

Mothers who have adopted a child are entitled to 180 days of maternity leave, while fathers receive 15 days of paternity leave. Parents have the right to adoption leave from the first day of employment.


Maternity leave

In Myanmar, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave compensated by Myanmar’s Social Security scheme. Maternity leave can begin six weeks before the expected due date and lasts eight weeks following the birth.

If an employee has multiple or complicated births can take an additional four weeks of leave. In the case of a miscarriage, the employee can take six weeks of leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to 15 days of paid paternity leave for the birth of a child; however, if the child’s birthing partner is not covered under Social Security, they will only be entitled to 25.00% of their average salary. If an employee has twins, the entitlement increases to 37.50% and 50.00% in the case of triplets.

Parental leave

There is no parental leave apart from maternity and paternity leave.

Adoption leave

Adoptive mothers are entitled to eight weeks of paid leave to care for ta child below the age of one.


Maternity leave

In Nepal, pregnant employees are entitled to 98 days of maternity leave, 60 of which are to be paid by the employer at an employee’s ordinary pay.

Paternity leave

Paternity leave in Nepal is 15 days on full pay.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Nepal.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Nepal.


Maternity leave

In Niger, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave. The employee must take six weeks before the birth. If the employee has been employed for at least two years, the employer pays 50%, and Social Security pays 50%.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to one day of paid paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in Niger.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding adoptive leave in Niger.


Maternity leave

In Panama, pregnant employees who have worked for 60 consecutive days are entitled to 14 weeks of paid leave. The employee must take four weeks before the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

The employee may extend leave unpaid at the employer’s sole discretion.

Paternity leave

Employees are entitled to three days of paid paternity leave that they must take after the child’s birth. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding parental leave in Panama.

Adoption leave

Adopting mothers are entitled to four weeks of adoption leave from the date the child is placed in their care. The co-parent may opt to take two weeks out of their annual leave.


Maternity leave

In Peru, pregnant employees who have worked for 90 consecutive days are entitled to 98 days of paid leave. The employee must take 49 days before the child’s birth. The employee will receive full salary during this period, and the public health insurance institution (Essalud) will be responsible for this pay.

In special circumstances, the employee may extend leave by an additional 30 days with a certificate from the doctor/midwife.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to 10 working days of paid paternity leave that must start on the date the child is born. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

The employee may extend leave on specific cases with approval from the doctor.

Parental leave

In Peru, no law covers parental leave. However, employees may be entitled to maternity leave and paternity leave.

Adoption leave

Mothers also receive 30 days of paid leave following the adoption of a child until the child reaches 12.

Sao Tome and Principe

Maternity leave

In Sao Tome and Principe, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave.

Paternity leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding paternity leave in Sao Tome and Principe.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in Sao Tome and Principe.

Adoption leave

There are no laws regarding adoption leave in Sao Tome and Principe.


Maternity leave

In Senegal, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave at 100%, eight of which they must take after the birth.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory entitlement to paternity leave in Senegal.

Parental leave

There is no statutory entitlement to parental leave in Senegal.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory entitlement to adoptive leave in Senegal.


Maternity leave

In the Seychelles, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave. Employees can take an additional four weeks of unpaid leave before or after giving birth.

Employees must give employers three months’ notice of the expected due date.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees under a contract of continuous employment or for a fixed term or part-time contract are entitled to paid paternity leave of 10 consecutive working days.

Parental leave

There is no statutory entitlement to parental leave in the Seychelles.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory entitlement to adoptive leave in the Seychelles.


Maternity leave

In Somalia, pregnant employees are entitled to up to 14 weeks of leave, of which at least six weeks are to be taken after the birth. If the birth takes place after the expected due date, prenatal leave is extended up to the actual date.

The birthing employee is entitled to maternity cash benefits by presenting a medical certificate indicating the expected due date to their employer. If the employee has been with the employer for at least six months, the employee is entitled to 50% of their regular monthly wages.

Paternity leave

There is no information available on paternity leave in Somalia.

Parental leave

There is no information available on parental leave in Somalia.

Adoption leave

There is no information available on adoptive leave in Somalia.


Maternity leave

In Switzerland, pregnant employees who have worked for 270 consecutive days are entitled to 14 weeks (16 weeks in the Canton of Geneva) of paid leave. Employees must take eight weeks after the child’s birth. The employee will receive 80% of their salary, capped at CHF 196 per day, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay. The employee can extend leave by 14 days unpaid.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees who have worked for 270 consecutive days are entitled to 10 working days of paid paternity leave. Employees must take leave within six months after the child’s birth. The employee will receive 80% of the salary, capped at CHF 196 per day, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

Depending on the employer’s discretion, the employee can request to extend leave.

Parental leave

In Switzerland, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

In Switzerland, no law covers adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Togo, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of maternity leave and another six weeks of postnatal leave. Employees are entitled to another three weeks of paid leave for multiple pregnancies, or if there’s a complication or illness from the pregnancy or childbirth,

The maternity leave is paid 50% by the employer and 50% by Social Security.

Paternity leave

The Labor Code doesn’t require paternity leave, but the Interprofessional Collective Agreement entitles non-birthing employees to two days of paternity leave.

Parental leave

Private sector employees are not entitled to receive parental leave.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in Togo.


Maternity leave

In Uruguay, pregnant employees are entitled to 14 weeks of paid leave. The employee must take 42 days before the child’s birth. However, they can delay the leave for two weeks before birth if they present a medical certificate and if there has been no absence due to medical reasons during pregnancy. The employee will receive 100% of their average salary from the last six months, and Social Security will be responsible for this pay.

Paternity leave

Employees are entitled to 13 days of paid paternity leave which they must take from the day the baby is born. Employees will receive 100% of their average salary from the last six months. The employer will cover the first three days of paternity leave in full. From the 4th day until the 13th day, the National Health Insurance (BPS) will cover the leave.

Parental leave

Employees are entitled to work 50% of the week for the first six months after birth. Either parent can take parental leave. Social security will pay 100% of the average salary during this period.

Adoption leave

Employees are entitled to three days of adoptive leave paid at full earnings from receiving the child (including same-sex couples).


Maternity leave

In Zambia, pregnant employees with at least one year of service are entitled to 14 weeks of maternity leave. The employer pays for the leave if the employee has provided at least two years of service. In the event of premature or multiple births, leave is extended by four weeks. Six weeks’ leave is payable in the event of miscarriage in the third trimester or stillbirth.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents who have provided one year of continuous service with their employers are entitled to 7 days of unpaid paternity leave, to be taken immediately after the birth of a child.

Parental leave

There are no laws for parental leave in Zambia.

Adoption leave

There are no laws for adoptive leave in Zambia.


Maternity leave

In Zimbabwe, pregnant employees that have served one year with an employer are entitled to 98 days of maternity leave. Employees may only take maternity leave with the same employer three times and only once in 24 months. The employer fully pays maternity leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are not entitled to paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no laws for parental leave in Zimbabwe.

Adoption leave

There are no laws for adoptive leave in Zimbabwe.

4 weeks +


Maternity leave

In Tonga, pregnant employees are entitled to 30 consecutive working days of maternity leave. The employee must take 15 days after the employee gives birth. Employers may agree to a longer period of leave or agree to pay for leave.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are granted five working days for paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no laws for parental leave in Toga.

Adoption leave

There are no laws for adoptive leave in Toga.


Maternity leave

In Tunisia, pregnant employees receive 30 days of maternity leave. To receive 66.7% of their daily earnings, the employee must have contributed to social insurance for at least 80 days in the four quarters before the birth.

Employees are entitled to an additional 15 days’ leave if they experience illness or complications due to pregnancy and birth.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents receive one day of paid leave within the first seven days following a child’s birth. The employer pays the employee immediately after the expiration of their leave. Social Security can reimburse the employer.

Parental leave

Social Security provides one day to employees, equal to the average daily wage calculated based on the insured’s earnings in the last quarter.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in Tunisia.


Maternity leave

In Burundi, pregnant employees who have worked for a company for at least six months are entitled to a minimum of six weeks of maternity leave after birth. You should provide up to 12 weeks of maternity leave — or 14 if the employee experiences medical complications during pregnancy or childbirth. Throughout maternity leave, employees receive 50% of their regular wages.

Paternity leave

In Burundi, non-birthing parents are allowed fully paid paternity leave of 4 days on the birth of a child.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the Burundi law regarding parental leave.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the Burundi law regarding adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Micronesia, pregnant employees are entitled to six weeks of paid maternity leave per year.

Paternity leave

In Micronesia, there are no provisions in the law for paternity leave.

Parental leave

In Micronesia, there are no provisions in the law for parental leave.

Adoption leave

In Micronesia, there are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave.

Papua New Guinea

Maternity leave

In Papua New Guinea, eligible pregnant employees are entitled to six weeks of maternity leave. However, no labor law states that mothers will get any benefits or pay during their leave.

Paternity leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding paternity leave in Papua New Guinea.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding parental leave in Papua New Guinea.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding adoption leave in Papua New Guinea.

United Arab Emirates

Maternity leave

In the United Arab Emirates, pregnant employees are entitled to 45 days of paid leave. The employee will receive 100% of the salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

Paternity leave

There is no paternity leave currently required by law in the United Arab Emirates.

Parental leave

In the UAE, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

Employees adopting a child under the age of 5 will be entitled to statutory leave entitlements as explained in the maternity and paternity sections above.


Maternity leave

In Oman, women in the private sector are entitled to 50 days of maternity leave covering periods before and after delivery, with compensation at 100% of their regular income. Employees are entitled to maternity leave three times throughout their employment in one organization.

Paternity leave

In Oman, there are no laws regarding paternity leave.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding parental leave.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Qatar, pregnant employees are entitled to 50 days of paid maternity leave; the employee must take no less than 35 days of leave following the child’s birth. In the case of a complicated birth, an employee can extend her maternity leave by an additional 60 days of unpaid leave, providing the employee can provide a medical certificate. To be eligible for maternity entitlement, an employee must have worked for their employer for a minimum of one year.

Paternity leave

There is no legal requirement for an employer to provide paternity leave to their employees. However, it is typical for an employer to offer five days’ leave to non-birthing parents following the birth of their child.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in Qatar.

Adoption leave

There are no laws regarding adoptive leave in Qatar.


Maternity leave

After one year of continuous employment, birthing employees are entitled to paid maternity leave. They must receive at least eight weeks, taken in any arrangement they choose, and they can take this leave three times under one employer.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing parents are entitled to five days of leave starting from the delivery date.

Parental leave

There are no laws for parental leave in Bhutan.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in Bhutan.

Cabo Verde (Cape Verde)

Maternity leave

In Cabo Verde, pregnant employees are entitled to 60 days of paid maternity leave. The National Social Insurance Institute will cover maternity leave at 90% of the previous month’s earnings or the average earnings of the past four months — whichever amount is greater. The employer is responsible for covering the difference between an employee’s wages and Social Security coverage.

The employer is responsible for covering the maternity leave pay if an employee is not insured.

Paternity leave

Non-birthing employees are entitled to leave within 120 days of pregnancy in case the birthing parent cannot take care of the child. The period of leave is 60 days less any amount already taken by the birthing parent.

Parental leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding parental leave in Cape Verde.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law regarding adoptive leave in Cape Verde.


Maternity leave

In Guinea-Bissau, pregnant employees are entitled to at least 60 days of paid maternity leave.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Guinea-Bissau.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Guinea-Bissau.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoption leave in Guinea-Bissau.


Maternity leave

In Malawi, pregnant employees are entitled to 8 weeks of maternity leave on full pay every three years.

Paternity leave

There is no statutory paternity leave in Malawi.

Parental leave

There is no statutory parental leave in Malawi.

Adoption leave

There is no statutory adoptive leave in Malawi.


Maternity leave

In Mozambique, pregnant employees are entitled to 60 days of maternity leave, which can begin up to 20 days before the due date.

Paternity leave

Fathers are entitled to one day of paid paternity leave.

Parental leave

Birthing parents are also entitled to up to 30 days of explained absences per year, which they can use for the hospitalization of a child. Social Security reimburses this leave.

Adoption leave

In Mozambique, there are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave.


Maternity leave

In Sudan, pregnant employees are entitled to eight weeks of paid maternity leave, four weeks before birth and four weeks after birth.

Paternity leave

Paternity leave is not statutorily provided for in Sudan.

Parental leave

Parental leave is not statutorily provided for in Sudan.

Adoption leave

Adoptive leave is not statutorily provided for in Sudan.


Maternity leave

In Uganda, pregnant employees are entitled to 60 working days of paid leave. Employees must take 28 days after the child’s birth. The employee can divide the remaining days into two periods of time. The employee will receive 100% of their salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

The employee can extend leave an additional four weeks due to sickness at 100% pay.

Paternity leave

Employees whose official spouse gave birth are entitled to four days of paid paternity leave. The employee will receive 100% of their salary during this period, and the employer will be responsible for this pay.

Parental leave

In Uganda, no law covers parental leave.

Adoption leave

There are no provisions in the law for adoptive leave in Uganda.

0 weeks

Marshall Islands

Maternity leave

In the Marshall Islands, there are no maternity leave laws.

Paternity leave

In the Marshall Islands, there are no laws for paternity leave.

Parental leave

In the Marshall Islands, there are no laws for parental leave.

Adoption leave

In the Marshall Islands, there are no laws for maternity leave.


Maternity leave

In Palau, no maternity leave is required by law.

Paternity leave

There is no paternity leave currently required by law in Palau.

Parental leave

There is no parental leave currently required by law in Palau.

Adoption leave

There is no adoptive leave currently required by law in Palau.

Solomon Islands

There is no information available on maternity and maternity leave in the Solomon Islands.


In Suriname, maternity, paternity, parental, and adoptive leave are not statutory.


There is no information on maternity, paternity, parental, and adoption leave in Syria.

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