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100+ Leadership Performance Review Phrases Examples: Transform Leadership at Your Company

Global HR



Lorelei Trisca


September 18, 2024

Last Update

September 18, 2024

Table of Contents

Leadership performance review phrases

Why how you frame your performance reviews can lead to better results

Tips to ensure successful leadership performance reviews

Key takeaways
  1. Leadership performance reviews are essential for organizational growth. They help leaders understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
  2. Effective leadership performance reviews should be clear, specific, and impactful to provide meaningful insights.
  3. Constructive feedback for leaders focuses on encouraging development while maintaining a positive outlook on overall performance.
  4. Actionable feedback for team leaders should offer practical advice they can readily implement to improve their leadership.

Performance reviews are pivotal in shaping leadership at any organization. They provide leaders with invaluable insights into their strengths and areas for improvement.

Striking the right balance between candid feedback and motivational reinforcement fosters growth and continued success.

In this article, we’ll share 100+ leadership performance review phrases designed to drive transformation at your company. These sample phrases cover various leadership dimensions, providing a comprehensive toolkit for your leadership appraisals.

Leadership performance review phrases

This section is a treasure trove for anyone involved in the review process. It offers valuable phrases categorized by critical aspects of leadership performance.

We will provide diverse phrases for positive feedback and feedback for areas of improvement. These sample performance review phrases for leadership come from multiple perspectives: superiors, peers, and direct reports. This variety ensures you’re equipped with the right phrase for any review scenario.


Positive performance review phrases for leadership

From a superior

“Your clear and concise communication effectively keeps the team aligned with company goals.”

“You articulate your thoughts effectively, which drives clarity and alignment within the team.”

“Your active listening skills create an environment where everyone feels heard.”

From a peer

“Your proactive communication helps prevent misunderstandings.”

“Your empathetic communication style makes others feel understood.”

“Your ability to explain complex ideas in simple terms is admirable.”

From a direct report

“Your openness to communication makes us feel valued and heard.”

“Your constructive feedback helps us understand areas of improvement better.”

“Your positive reinforcement encourages us to put in our best efforts.”

Leadership performance review phrases highlighting areas for improvement

From a superior

“Consistent communication about project updates and changes would enhance team efficiency.”

“A little more effort towards actively seeking and incorporating team input could further improve team dynamics.”

“Improving clarity in communication, especially during stressful situations, would be beneficial.”

From a peer

“Sharing key decisions and updates promptly would help in better planning.”

“Sometimes, your communications are a bit terse and could be perceived as dismissive.”

“While you communicate well, being more open to others’ perspectives could enhance team collaboration.”

From a direct report

“More two-way communication could make the team environment more inclusive.”

"Having more regular check-ins or one-on-ones would be appreciated."

“A little more praise and recognition would help us feel more valued.”

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Positive performance review phrases for leadership

From a superior

“You demonstrate excellent decision-making capabilities under pressure.”

“Your data-driven decision-making approach is commendable and contributes significantly to our success.”

“The intuition you bring to your decision-making often provides fresh perspectives.”

From a peer

“Your ability to make swift, well-informed decisions positively impacts our work.”

“Your transparency about your decision-making process builds trust within the team.”

“Your thoughtful consideration of different perspectives before making decisions is greatly appreciated.”

From a direct report

“Your decisions consistently show a deep understanding of our team’s capabilities and potential.”

“Your confidence in your decisions inspires us to follow your lead.”

“Your ability to balance business needs and team well-being in your decisions is commendable.”

Leadership performance review phrases highlighting areas for improvement

From a superior

“Taking some more time to consider all available options and perspectives may improve your decision-making process.”

“Sometimes, seeking input from team members more actively could enhance decision quality.”

“Balancing quick decision-making with thorough analysis can be beneficial.”

From a peer

“More open discussions before final decisions could foster a sense of team ownership.”

“Sometimes, explaining the reasoning behind decisions could prevent misunderstandings.”

“A slightly more measured approach could help in situations that require delicate decision-making.”

From a direct report

“Sharing the bigger picture that informs your decisions could help us understand them better.”

“A bit more predictability in decisions could help us align our efforts better.”

“Revisiting and reassessing decisions when new information emerges would be beneficial.”

Strategic thinking

Positive leadership review sample phrases

From a superior

“Your ability to foresee and plan for potential future obstacles is impressive.”

“You consistently demonstrate strong strategic thinking in aligning team efforts with company goals.”

“Your creative solutions to complex problems showcase your strategic mindset.”

From a peer

“Your insightful strategic planning helps our team navigate through complex situations.”

“Your ability to connect small tasks with our broader strategy aids in keeping our focus.”

“Your long-term planning helps provide clear direction and reduces confusion.”

From a direct report

“Your strategic guidance provides a clear direction and inspires the team to achieve more.”

“Your ability to clearly communicate strategic plans helps us understand our roles and responsibilities better.”

"You successfully balance day-to-day operations with strategic planning."

Leadership performance review phrases highlighting areas for improvement

From a superior

“Balancing short-term necessities with long-term strategic goals could further strengthen your leadership.”

“Incorporating more diverse perspectives in your strategic planning may yield innovative solutions.”

“Improving the communication of strategic plans to the team could help in aligning efforts better.”

From a peer

“A little more flexibility in adapting strategic plans to changing circumstances could be beneficial.”

“Consider including team input in strategic planning for a more holistic approach.”

“Balancing risk-taking with careful planning could enhance strategic outcomes.”

From a direct report

“More transparency in strategic planning could make us feel more involved and committed.”

“Revisiting and adjusting the strategy based on our feedback could lead to better team alignment.”

“Clearly connecting individual tasks to the strategic plan could increase our sense of purpose.”

Business acumen

Positive leadership review sample phrases

From a superior

“Your understanding of our industry trends and challenges consistently contributes to our strategic decisions.”

“You demonstrate a solid understanding of our business model and revenue streams.”

“Your ability to connect your team’s work with our business goals is commendable.”

From a peer

“Your insights into customer needs and market trends help shape our team’s approach.”

“You always consider the financial impact while making key decisions.”

“Your ability to foresee potential business risks and opportunities is impressive.”

From a direct report

“Your deep understanding of our business helps us see how our roles contribute to the bigger picture.”

“Your ability to explain complex business concepts makes it easier for us to align our efforts.”

“Your understanding of our competitors and market trends keeps us ahead in our strategies.”

Leadership performance review phrases highlighting areas for improvement

From a superior

“Deepening your understanding of our key customers could further enhance your decision-making.”

“Continuously updating your knowledge about emerging industry trends could provide a competitive edge.”

“Understanding and leveraging the financial implications of your decisions could boost team performance.”

From a peer

“Applying a more customer-centric approach to decision-making could improve outcomes.”

“Understanding the financial implications of our projects could help in planning and resource allocation.”

“Taking time to share your business insights with the team could help us align better.”

From a direct report

“Helping us understand the financial aspects of our projects could help us contribute more effectively.”

“Sharing more about industry trends and competitive landscape could enhance our business understanding.”

“Providing regular business updates could help us stay aligned with company goals.”

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Coaching people

Positive performance review phrases for leadership

From a superior

“You have a knack for identifying and nurturing talent within your team.”

"Your coaching skills have clearly impacted your team members' development."

“You consistently provide constructive, actionable feedback to your team.”

From a peer

“Your willingness to share your knowledge and expertise helps everyone grow.”

“You have a unique ability to boost confidence and inspire others to improve.”

“Your openness to learning from others, even while coaching them, is commendable.”

From a direct report

“Your guidance has been invaluable in my professional growth.”

“Your constructive feedback has helped me improve my skills and performance.”

“You create a safe space for learning, making mistakes, and improving.”

Leadership performance review phrases highlighting areas for improvement

From a superior

“Focusing more on individual coaching based on each team member’s unique strengths and areas of development could enhance team performance.”

“Balancing directive coaching with a more facilitative approach could help build autonomy within the team.”

“Being more receptive to feedback from team members could make your coaching even more effective.”

From a peer

“A little more patience and empathy in your coaching style could be beneficial.”

“Considering different learning styles in your coaching approach could improve its effectiveness.”

“Continuing to learn and evolve your coaching techniques could further enhance your impact.”

From a direct report

“Providing more opportunities for hands-on learning could enhance your coaching.”

“Balancing positive feedback with constructive criticism could make your coaching more encouraging.”

“Offering more individualized attention during coaching sessions could help me grow faster.”

Giving feedback

Positive leadership review sample phrases

From a superior

“Your feedback is always timely, specific, and actionable.”

“You balance praise with constructive criticism effectively in your feedback.”

“You create a safe environment for giving and receiving feedback.”

From a peer

“Your feedback always provides clear direction for improvement.”

“You deliver feedback in a respectful and considerate manner.”

“Your openness to giving and receiving feedback fosters a culture of continuous improvement.”

From a direct report

“Your feedback helps me understand where I stand and where I can improve.”

“Your positive feedback boosts my confidence and motivation.”

“Your constructive feedback is always delivered in a supportive, non-threatening manner.”

Leadership performance review phrases highlighting areas for improvement

From a superior

“Striving for timeliness in delivering feedback could make it more impactful.”

“Balancing feedback on areas of improvement with positive reinforcement could boost team morale.”

“Inviting more feedback from your team could foster a two-way communication culture.”

From a peer

“Remember to give positive feedback as readily as you offer constructive criticism.”

“Delivering feedback in a more private setting could make it easier for people to accept and act upon it.”

“Being more open to receiving feedback could enhance team dynamics.”

From a direct report

“Providing more regular feedback could help me stay on track.”

“Balancing feedback on tasks with feedback on professional development could enhance my growth.”

“Providing more specific and actionable feedback could help me improve faster.”

Management style

Positive leadership review sample phrases

From a superior

“Your management style fosters a positive work environment, leading to high team morale.”

“You successfully balance delegation and support, fostering independent problem-solving skills in your team.”

“Your adaptive management style effectively meets the diverse needs of our team.”

From a peer

“Your open and transparent communication style builds trust within our team.”

“Your inclusive management approach ensures everyone’s voice is heard and valued.”

“Your ability to balance result orientation with people orientation is commendable.”

From a direct report

“Your empathetic management style makes us feel supported and motivated in a difficult situation.”

“Your ability to adapt your management style to different situations helps us navigate challenges effectively.”

“Your approachable style encourages open communication and feedback.”

Leadership performance review phrases highlighting areas for improvement

From a superior

“Adapting your management style to individual team members’ needs could enhance team engagement.”

“Balancing your task-oriented approach with more relationship-building could boost team morale.”

“Demonstrating more flexibility in your management style could help navigate our dynamic work environment.”

From a peer

“Being more open to diverse viewpoints could enhance your inclusive management approach.”

“Balancing delegation with ensuring adequate support and resources could improve team outcomes.”

“Continually refining your management style in response to team feedback could enhance team dynamics.”

From a direct report

“Being more flexible in your management approach could support our diverse work styles.”

“Balancing goal-setting with providing the necessary resources and support could boost our performance.”

“Creating more opportunities for team interaction could strengthen our team dynamics and collaboration.”

Remember: These are guidelines to help you frame your reviews. Feedback should always be personalized and relevant to the individual’s performance and context.

For more inspiration and guidance, consult our additional resources with loads of examples:

  1. Peer review examples
  2. Leadership self-evaluation examples
  3. Upward feedback examples

Tip: Once you’ve gathered your insights from performance reviews, it’s time to turn them into growth.

Help your leaders understand their strengths and plan for improving their skillsets and performance. Consult these well-structured examples of leadership development plans to get started.

Meeting performance targets

Positive performance review phrases for leadership

From a superior

“You consistently meet and often exceed your performance targets.”

“Your commitment to your targets sets a strong example for the team.”

“You display a commendable ability to balance quality and quantity to meet your targets.”

From a peer

“Your consistent performance sets a high standard for the team.”

“Your focused approach helps you meet your targets without compromising quality.”

“Your strategic planning ensures you consistently meet your targets.”

From a direct report

“Your ability to meet your targets while supporting us in meeting ours is truly inspiring.”

“You strike an excellent balance between achieving your targets and helping us achieve ours.”

“Your strong commitment to your targets motivates us to do our best.”

Leadership performance review phrases highlighting areas for improvement

From a superior

“Setting more realistic targets and creating a roadmap to achieve them could improve your performance.”

“Balancing ambitious targets with the team’s capacity could reduce stress and improve outcomes.”

“Regularly reviewing and adjusting targets based on team feedback could improve team engagement.”

From a peer

“Sharing your strategies for meeting targets could help us improve our own performance.”

“Being more transparent about your targets could foster a sense of shared responsibility.”

“Balancing personal targets with team goals could enhance team collaboration.”

From a direct report

“Helping us understand how our targets align with yours could boost our motivation.”

“Providing more support in achieving our targets could help us perform better.”

“Recognizing our efforts in meeting targets, even when we fall short, could boost team morale.”

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Why how you frame your performance reviews can lead to better results

How you frame reviews impacts how effective they are. That is not to say you should never share negative or constructive feedback—quite the opposite. The key is formulating the reviews in a way that can encourage change and improvement.

Cultivate a growth mindset

When you focus your reviews on development and learning, you encourage leaders to adopt a growth mindset. They’ll start viewing challenges as stepping stones to improvement, not as criticisms of their abilities.

Boost resilience

Feedback can build resilience, an invaluable trait for maneuvering complex business landscapes. Presenting feedback as a learning journey helps leaders handle future setbacks instead of looking at them as a career end-all.

Amplify empathy and emotional intelligence

Well-structured feedback enhances leaders’ emotional intelligence, making them more aware of their actions and how these actions affect others. 360-degree leadership assessments give you a range of insights, allowing you to help your leaders foster empathy, refining their interactions with team members and enhancing the work environment.

Stimulate innovation and calculated risks

When leaders realize your constructive feedback is integral to their growth, they’ll take calculated risks and innovate. They’ll understand their efforts are valued and their missteps are seen as learning opportunities.

Boost motivation and engagement

Performance reviews that highlight a leader’s accomplishments and potential for growth can significantly boost their motivation and engagement.

When leaders feel valued and see clear opportunities for advancement, they’re likely to exert extra effort and achieve better results.

Complementary resources

  1. If you want your performance appraisals to be something more leaders look forward to, use our range of performance appraisal forms, complete with a guide and purpose-based templates. This can help you organize and manage feedback effectively, resulting in more productive performance reviews and better outcomes for leaders and their teams.
  2. To customize our templates, use these sample 360 feedback questions for leadership.

Tips to ensure successful leadership performance reviews

We asked HR experts/founders how they conduct performance reviews for employees with leadership potential. Here’s what they told us.

Venkatkrishna Rao, Product Leader at Amazon Ads, has a unique take on performance reviews for go-getters. He says:

“There is a peer-level expectation for everyone at Amazon to know their stuff several layers deeper. It is hard work. A good example of Dive Deep (a principle commonly followed at Amazon) is the ‘5 Whys framework’. It is not uncommon for VPs to get into the minutest of details during leadership reviews.”

The “5 Whys framework” is helpful if you want to be as thorough with your leadership performance reviews as possible. It is exactly what it sounds like:

  • You state the problem
  • You ask “why” 5 times
  • The answer to the 5th why is usually the root cause of the problem. Work with this to help the leader address the issue

If we apply that to a performance review for leaders, here’s what it would look like:

Step 1: State the problem: Your leader is a great self-starter but terrible at teamwork.

Step 2: Ask the whys:

  • 1st Why? They prefer to handle tasks alone and seem uncomfortable delegating work or relying on others.
  • 2nd Why? They are worried that the team members may not perform tasks to their high standards or meet the deadlines.
  • 3rd Why? Past experiences of missed deadlines or subpar work from the team members have led to this worry.
  • 4th Why? There is a lack of clear communication of expectations and proper training for the team members to perform their roles effectively.
  • 5th Why? They have not invested enough time in developing the skills of the team members or establishing robust communication channels.

Step 3: Analyze the root cause: The leader’s lack of skill in team development, setting clear expectations, and communication is causing poor teamwork. The team, on the other hand, needs to develop better skills and time management to earn trust.

Now you can:

  1. Develop solutions and strategies with this root cause in mind
  2. Avoid making generic statements that provide zero value to the leader under review

Drive leadership performance and growth with Deel Engage

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  • Streamlined performance evaluation process: Simplify manager evaluations with automated feedback collection and data analytics, saving valuable time and resources
  • Comprehensive performance and skill insights: Get a well-rounded view of performance and competency profiles with 360-degree feedback and quantitative metrics, identifying strengths and areas for improvement
  • Continuous improvement: Nurture a culture of continuous feedback and growth with regular check-ins and development plans tailored to individual needs
  • Career progression frameworks: Remove ambiguity around promotions or job levels—the clear, accessible frameworks visualize the road to success, giving your team a clear view of their career trajectory within the company
  • Targeted training plans: From upskilling to personal development, give your people the resources to grow and excel
  • User-friendly interface: Make the evaluation process seamless for both HR professionals and managers

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Leadership in a performance review is described in terms of how well an individual can motivate, inspire, and guide their team toward achieving common goals. It includes their ability to communicate effectively, make sound decisions, foster a positive work environment, and influence others.

Key aspects that are assessed would be:

  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Strategic thinking
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Adaptability
  • Ability to delegate
  • Empowering others

When commenting on someone’s leadership skills, it’s essential to provide specific examples of situations where their leadership was demonstrated. This can be in the form of how they managed a project, handled conflict, or guided their team to success.

For instance, you might say, “John has shown exceptional leadership skills in the XYZ project, demonstrating his ability to manage resources efficiently and keep the team motivated throughout.”

In a self-evaluation for leadership, you should reflect on your leadership achievements, improvements, and areas for further development.

An example might be:

“Over the past year, I have worked to improve my communication skills, resulting in more efficient team meetings. I have led my team to achieve an X% increase in performance on project Y.

However, I need to develop my delegation skills, and I plan to work on this over the next quarter.”

Here are some example phrases that could be useful in a performance review:

  • “You consistently display strong leadership skills and successfully lead the team towards achieving their goals.”
  • “You need to develop better communication strategies to effectively convey their vision to the team.”
  • “You have made significant improvements in their ability to delegate tasks, leading to increased productivity within the team.”
  • “You are adept at problem-solving, often providing innovative solutions that benefit the team and the project.”
  • “While you have shown potential in leadership roles, you would benefit from further development in conflict resolution strategies.”

Remember, a performance review should always be constructive, balanced, and specific to help the individual grow and improve in their role.


About the author

Lorelei Trisca is a content marketing manager passionate about everything AI and the future of work. She is always on the hunt for the latest HR trends, fresh statistics, and academic and real-life best practices. She aims to spread the word about creating better employee experiences and helping others grow in their careers.

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