How Revolut streamlined employee relocation with Deel Immigration

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Lernen Sie Revolut kennen

Revolut enables its customers to spend, save and invest their money, all in one easy to use app. Its mission is to build the world’s first truly global financial services super app that empowers customers, allowing them to get the most from their money, wherever they are in the world, from a single provider.

Entering new markets and expanding globally is critical to its mission and something that sets Revolut apart. In order to maintain its fast pace of growth, Revolut identified Deel as a partner that could help them find the right people—new joiners and worker relocation—for its new markets. Revolut chose Deel Immigration, Deel EOR, and Deel Contractors because of Deel's global presence, hands-on support, and ability to keep up their speed.

„Dank Deel können wir in jedem Land, in das wir expandieren wollten, lokale Talente einstellen, lange bevor wir dort eine Niederlassung gründen. Das verschafft uns einen echten Vorsprung.“ Luka Besling, HR-Manager bei Revolut

Im nachstehenden Video erfahren Sie die ganze Geschichte.

Mit Deel wird das Vergrößern internationaler und Remote-Teams zum Kinderspiel






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